/** * Copyright 2018-2028 WindChat Group * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.windchat.im.business.impl.site; import com.akaxin.proto.core.ConfigProto; import com.windchat.im.business.constant.GroupConfig; import com.windchat.im.business.dao.SiteConfigDao; import com.windchat.im.message.utils.SiteConfigHelper; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * 管理站点配置相关信息 * * @author Sam{@link an.guoyue254@gmail.com} * @since 2018-01-14 21:18:49 */ public class SiteConfig { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SiteConfig.class); private static volatile Map configMap; private static volatile Set siteManagerSet; private static volatile Set userDefaultFriendSet; private static volatile Set userDefaultGroupSet; private SiteConfig() { } public static Map getConfigMap() { if (configMap == null) { configMap = updateConfig(); } return configMap; } public static Map updateConfig() { try { configMap = SiteConfigDao.getInstance().getSiteConfig(); if (configMap != null) { updateCacheSiteManagerSet(); updateCacheUserDefaultFriendSet(); updateCacheUserDefaultGroupSet(); } SiteConfigHelper.updateConfig(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("update site config error.", e); } return configMap; } private static void updateCacheSiteManagerSet() { String siteManageUsers = getConfigMap().get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.SITE_MANAGER_VALUE); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(siteManageUsers)) { String[] adminUsers = siteManageUsers.split(","); List managerList = Arrays.asList(adminUsers); siteManagerSet = new HashSet(managerList); logger.info("update new site managers={}", siteManagerSet); } } private static void updateCacheUserDefaultFriendSet() { String userFriends = getConfigMap().get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.DEFAULT_USER_FRIENDS_VALUE); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(userFriends)) { String[] friends = userFriends.split(","); List friendList = Arrays.asList(friends); userDefaultFriendSet = new HashSet(friendList); logger.info("update user default friends={}", userDefaultFriendSet); } } private static void updateCacheUserDefaultGroupSet() { String userGroups = getConfigMap().get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.DEFAULT_USER_GROUPS_VALUE); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(userGroups)) { String[] groups = userGroups.split(","); List groupList = Arrays.asList(groups); userDefaultGroupSet = new HashSet(groupList); logger.info("update user default groups={}", userDefaultGroupSet); } } public static String getConfig(int key) { try { return getConfigMap().get(key); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("get config value error", e); } return null; } /** *
	 * 站点是否关闭,关闭的站点,用户不能注册以及登陆功能
	 * 		1.siteStatus=0,站点关闭
	 * 		2.siteStatus=1,站点开启
* * @return true/false */ public static boolean isOpen() { if (getConfigMap() != null) { String value = getConfigMap().get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.SITE_STATUS_VALUE); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value)) { return ConfigProto.SiteStatusConfig.OPEN_VALUE == Integer.valueOf(value); } } return false; } /** * 判断站点是否关闭状态 * * @return */ public static boolean isClose() { return !isOpen(); } // 获取是否需要实名配置 public static ConfigProto.RealNameConfig getRealNameConfig() { ConfigProto.RealNameConfig realNameConfig = null; if (getConfigMap() != null) { String value = getConfigMap().get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.REALNAME_STATUS_VALUE); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value)) { realNameConfig = ConfigProto.RealNameConfig.forNumber(Integer.valueOf(value)); } } return realNameConfig == null ? ConfigProto.RealNameConfig.REALNAME_NO : realNameConfig; } // 获取邀请码配置 public static ConfigProto.InviteCodeConfig getUICConfig() { ConfigProto.InviteCodeConfig uicConfig = null; if (getConfigMap() != null) { String value = getConfigMap().get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.INVITE_CODE_STATUS_VALUE); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value)) { uicConfig = ConfigProto.InviteCodeConfig.forNumber(Integer.valueOf(value)); } } return uicConfig == null ? ConfigProto.InviteCodeConfig.UIC_NO : uicConfig; } public static String getSiteAddress() { if (getConfigMap() != null) { String siteHost = getConfigMap().get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.SITE_ADDRESS_VALUE); String sitePort = getConfigMap().get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.SITE_PORT_VALUE); return siteHost + ":" + sitePort; } return null; } /** * 获取超级管理员 * * @return */ public static String getSiteSuperAdmin() { if (getConfigMap() != null) { String siteAdmin = getConfigMap().get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.SITE_ADMIN_VALUE); return siteAdmin; } return null; } /** * 判断是否为超级管理员 * * @param siteUserId * @return */ public static boolean isSiteSuperAdmin(String siteUserId) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(siteUserId)) { return siteUserId.equals(getSiteSuperAdmin()); } return false; } /** * 判断是否为普通管理员 * * @param siteUserId * @return */ public static boolean isSiteManager(String siteUserId) { if (isSiteSuperAdmin(siteUserId)) { return true; } if (siteManagerSet != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(siteUserId)) { return siteManagerSet.contains(siteUserId); } return false; } /** * 判断是否存在超级管理员 * * @return */ public static boolean hasNoAdminUser() { return !hasAdminUser(); } public static boolean hasAdminUser() { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getSiteSuperAdmin())) { return true; } return false; } public static int getMaxGroupMemberSize() { try { Map map = getConfigMap(); if (map != null) { String memberCount = map.get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.GROUP_MEMBERS_COUNT_VALUE); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(memberCount)) { return Integer.valueOf(memberCount); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("get max group member size error.", e); } return GroupConfig.GROUP_MAX_MEMBER_COUNT; } public static ConfigProto.U2EncryptionConfig getU2EncryStatusConfig() { try { Map map = getConfigMap(); if (map != null) { String statusNum = map.get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.U2_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_VALUE); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(statusNum)) { return ConfigProto.U2EncryptionConfig.forNumber(Integer.valueOf(statusNum)); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("get u2 encry status error", e); } return ConfigProto.U2EncryptionConfig.U2_CLOSE; } public static boolean allowAddFriends(String siteUserId) { if (isSiteManager(siteUserId)) { return true; } Map map = getConfigMap(); if (map != null) { String value = map.get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.CONFIG_FRIEND_REQUEST_VALUE); return !String.valueOf(ConfigProto.ConfigFriendRequest.ConfigFriendRequest_NO_VALUE).equals(value); } return true; } public static boolean allowCreateGroups(String siteUserId) { if (isSiteManager(siteUserId)) { return true; } Map map = getConfigMap(); if (map != null) { String value = map.get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.CONFIG_CREATE_GROUP_VALUE); return !String.valueOf(ConfigProto.ConfigCreateGroup.ConfigCreateGroup_NO_VALUE).equals(value); } return true; } /** *
	 * 1天
	 * 7天
	 * 14天
* * @return */ public static int getGroupQRExpireDay() { int expireDay = 14; Map map = getConfigMap(); if (map != null) { String value = map.get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.GROUP_QR_EXPIRE_TIME_VALUE); if (NumberUtils.isDigits(value)) { int day = Integer.valueOf(value); if (day == 1 || day == 7 || day == 14) { return day; } } } return expireDay; } public static String getSiteLogo() { try { Map map = getConfigMap(); if (map != null) { return map.get(ConfigProto.ConfigKey.SITE_LOGO_VALUE); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("get site logo error", e); } return null; } public static Set getUserDefaultFriends() { return userDefaultFriendSet; } public static Set getUserDefaultGroups() { return userDefaultGroupSet; } }