
420 lines
16 KiB

package coupon
import (
// "time"
// "reflect"
// ""
_ ""
. ""
func Test_GetCoupons(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given a coupon in an empty table", t, func() {
c := _prepareARandomCouponInDB(base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), defaultCouponTypeID, true)
Convey("Get the coupon and should contain the coupon just created", func() {
cs, _ := getCoupons(c.ConsumerID, defaultCouponTypeID)
So(len(cs), ShouldEqual, 1)
c2 := cs[0]
So(base.IsValidUUID(c2.ID), ShouldBeTrue)
So(c.ConsumerID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerID)
So(c.ConsumerRefID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerRefID)
So(c.ChannelID, ShouldEqual, c2.ChannelID)
So(defaultCouponTypeID, ShouldEqual, c2.CouponTypeID)
So(c.State, ShouldEqual, c2.State)
// Convey("Given several coupons for 2 consumers in an empty table", t, func() {
// cs := _prepareSeveralCouponsInDB(base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), defaultCouponTypeID, true)
// _ = _prepareSeveralCouponsInDB(base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), defaultCouponTypeID, false)
// Convey("Get for the first consumer and should contain all the coupons just created for first consumer", func() {
// cs3, _ := getCoupons(cs[0].ConsumerID, defaultCouponTypeID)
// So(len(cs3), ShouldEqual, len(cs))
// c := cs[r.Intn(len(cs))]
// for _, c2 := range cs3 {
// if c.ID == c2.ID {
// So(c.ConsumerID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerID)
// break
// }
// }
// })
// })
// Convey("Given several coupons with different coupon type in an empty table", t, func() {
// consumerID := base.RandString(4)
// cs := _prepareSeveralCouponsInDB(consumerID, base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), defaultCouponTypeID, true)
// _ = _prepareSeveralCouponsInDB(consumerID, base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), anotherCouponTypeID, false)
// Convey("Get the coupon with defaultCouponTypeID and only with defaultCouponTypeID", func() {
// cs2, _ := getCoupons(consumerID, defaultCouponTypeID)
// So(len(cs), ShouldEqual, len(cs2))
// c := cs[r.Intn(len(cs))]
// for _, c2 := range cs2 {
// if c.ID == c2.ID {
// So(c.ConsumerID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerID)
// So(c.ConsumerRefID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerRefID)
// So(c.ChannelID, ShouldEqual, c2.ChannelID)
// So(c.CouponTypeID, ShouldEqual, c2.CouponTypeID)
// So(c.State, ShouldEqual, c2.State)
// break
// }
// }
// })
// })
// Convey("Given a coupon in an empty table and will query with wrong input", t, func() {
// c := _prepareARandomCouponInDB(base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), defaultCouponTypeID, true)
// Convey("Get the coupon with wrong type and should contain nothing", func() {
// cs, _ := getCoupons(c.ConsumerID, anotherCouponTypeID)
// So(len(cs), ShouldEqual, 0)
// })
// Convey("Get the coupon with wrong consumerID and should contain nothing", func() {
// wrongConsumerID := "this is not a real type"
// cs, _ := getCoupons(wrongConsumerID, defaultCouponTypeID)
// So(len(cs), ShouldEqual, 0)
// })
// })
func Test_GetCoupon(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given a coupon in an empty table", t, func() {
c := _prepareARandomCouponInDB(base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), defaultCouponTypeID, true)
Convey("get this coupon and should be same with the coupon just created", func() {
c2, _ := getCoupon(c.ID)
So(c.ID, ShouldEqual, c2.ID)
So(c.ConsumerID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerID)
So(c.ConsumerRefID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerRefID)
So(c.ChannelID, ShouldEqual, c2.ChannelID)
So(c.CouponTypeID, ShouldEqual, c2.CouponTypeID)
So(c.State, ShouldEqual, c2.State)
So(c.Properties, ShouldContainKey, "the_key")
So(c.Properties["the_key"], ShouldEqual, "the value")
Convey("Given several coupons in an empty table", t, func() {
cs := _prepareSeveralCouponsInDB(base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), defaultCouponTypeID, true)
Convey("get the random coupon and should be same with the first coupon just created", func() {
index := r.Intn(len(cs))
c2, _ := getCoupon(cs[index].ID)
So(cs[index].ID, ShouldEqual, c2.ID)
So(cs[index].ConsumerID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerID)
So(cs[index].ConsumerRefID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerRefID)
So(cs[index].ChannelID, ShouldEqual, c2.ChannelID)
So(cs[index].CouponTypeID, ShouldEqual, c2.CouponTypeID)
So(cs[index].State, ShouldEqual, c2.State)
Convey("Given a truncated table", t, func() {
_, _ = dbConnection.Exec("DELETE FROM coupons")
Convey("get with a non existed coupon id and the coupon should be null", func() {
c, _ := getCoupon("some_coupon_id")
So(c, ShouldBeNil)
func Test_CreateCoupon(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given a coupon", t, func() {
state := r.Intn(int(SUnknown))
var p map[string]interface{}
p = make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
p["the_key"] = "the value"
cc := _aCoupon(base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), defaultCouponTypeID, State(state), p)
Convey("Save the coupon to database", func() {
Convey("The coupon just created can be queried", func() {
s := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT id, consumerID, consumerRefID, channelID, couponTypeID, state, properties, createdTime FROM coupons WHERE id = '%s'`, cc.ID)
row := dbConnection.QueryRow(s)
var c Coupon
var pstr string
_ = row.Scan(&c.ID, &c.ConsumerID, &c.ConsumerRefID, &c.ChannelID, &c.CouponTypeID, &c.State, &pstr, &c.CreatedTime)
Convey("The coupon queried should be same with original", func() {
So(cc.ID, ShouldEqual, c.ID)
So(cc.ConsumerID, ShouldEqual, c.ConsumerID)
So(cc.ConsumerRefID, ShouldEqual, c.ConsumerRefID)
So(cc.ChannelID, ShouldEqual, c.ChannelID)
So(cc.CouponTypeID, ShouldEqual, c.CouponTypeID)
So(cc.State, ShouldEqual, c.State)
So(cc.Properties, ShouldContainKey, "the_key")
So(cc.Properties["the_key"], ShouldEqual, "the value")
Convey("Given nil coupon", t, func() {
err := createCoupon(nil)
Convey("Nothing happened", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
func Test_CreateCoupons(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given several coupons", t, func() {
cs := _someCoupons(base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), defaultCouponTypeID)
Convey("createCoupons save them to database", func() {
_, _ = dbConnection.Exec("DELETE FROM coupons")
Convey("Saved coupons should same with prepared", func() {
for _, c := range cs {
s := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT id, consumerID, consumerRefID, channelID, couponTypeID, state, properties, createdTime FROM coupons WHERE id = '%s'`, c.ID)
row := dbConnection.QueryRow(s)
var c2 Coupon
var pstr string
_ = row.Scan(&c2.ID, &c2.ConsumerID, &c2.ConsumerRefID, &c2.ChannelID, &c2.CouponTypeID, &c2.State, &pstr, &c2.CreatedTime)
So(c.ID, ShouldEqual, c2.ID)
So(c.ConsumerID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerID)
So(c.ConsumerRefID, ShouldEqual, c2.ConsumerRefID)
So(c.ChannelID, ShouldEqual, c2.ChannelID)
So(c.CouponTypeID, ShouldEqual, c2.CouponTypeID)
So(c.State, ShouldEqual, c2.State)
So(c2.Properties, ShouldContainKey, "the_key")
So(c2.Properties["the_key"], ShouldEqual, "the value")
Convey("Given empty coupon list", t, func() {
err := createCoupons(make([]*Coupon, 0))
Convey("Nothing happened", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
func Test_UpdateCouponState(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given a coupon in an empty table", t, func() {
c := _prepareARandomCouponInDB(base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), base.RandString(4), defaultCouponTypeID, true)
Convey("Reset the coupon state", func() {
oldState := int(c.State)
c.State = State((oldState + 1) % int(SUnknown))
newState := int(c.State)
So(oldState, ShouldNotEqual, int(c.State))
Convey("The latest coupon should have diff state with original", func() {
c2, _ := getCoupon(c.ID)
So(c2.State, ShouldEqual, newState)
Convey("Given nil coupon", t, func() {
err := updateCouponState(nil)
Convey("Nothing happened", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
func Test_CreateCouponTransaction(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given a coupon transaction", t, func() {
tt := r.Intn(int(TTUnknownTransaction) + 1)
t := _aTransaction(base.RandString(4), uuid.New().String(), TransType(tt), base.RandString(4))
Convey("Save the transaction to database", func() {
Convey("The transaction just created can be queried", func() {
s := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT id, couponID, actorID, transType, extraInfo, createdTime FROM couponTransactions WHERE id = '%s'`, t.ID)
row := dbConnection.QueryRow(s)
var t2 Transaction
var ei string
_ = row.Scan(&t2.ID, &t2.CouponID, &t2.ActorID, &t2.TransType, &ei, &t2.CreatedTime)
Convey("The transaction queried should be same with original", func() {
So(t.ID, ShouldEqual, t2.ID)
So(t.CouponID, ShouldEqual, t2.CouponID)
So(t.ActorID, ShouldEqual, t2.ActorID)
So(t.TransType, ShouldEqual, t2.TransType)
So(t.ExtraInfo, ShouldEqual, t2.ExtraInfo)
Convey("Given nil coupon transaction", t, func() {
err := createCouponTransaction(nil)
Convey("Nothing happened", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
func Test_CreateCouponTransactions(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given several coupon transactions", t, func() {
ts := _someTransaction(base.RandString(4), uuid.New().String(), base.RandString(4))
Convey("createCouponTransactions save them to database", func() {
_, _ = dbConnection.Exec("DELETE FROM coupons")
Convey("Saved coupon transactions should same with prepared", func() {
for _, t := range ts {
s := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT id, couponID, actorID, transType, extraInfo, createdTime FROM couponTransactions WHERE id = '%s'`, t.ID)
row := dbConnection.QueryRow(s)
var t2 Transaction
var ei string
_ = row.Scan(&t2.ID, &t2.CouponID, &t2.ActorID, &t2.TransType, &ei, &t2.CreatedTime)
So(t.ID, ShouldEqual, t2.ID)
So(t.CouponID, ShouldEqual, t2.CouponID)
So(t.ActorID, ShouldEqual, t2.ActorID)
So(t.TransType, ShouldEqual, t2.TransType)
So(t.ExtraInfo, ShouldEqual, t2.ExtraInfo)
Convey("Given empty coupon transaction list", t, func() {
err := createCouponTransactions(make([]*Transaction, 0))
Convey("Nothing happened", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
func Test_GetCouponTransactionsWithType(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given a coupon transaction in an empty table", t, func() {
tt := r.Intn(int(TTUnknownTransaction))
t := _prepareARandomCouponTransactionInDB(base.RandString(4), uuid.New().String(), TransType(tt), true)
Convey("getCouponTransactionsWithType can get the coupon transaction", func() {
ts, _ := getCouponTransactionsWithType(t.CouponID, TransType(tt))
Convey("And should contain the coupon transaction just created", func() {
So(len(ts), ShouldEqual, 1)
t2 := ts[0]
So(base.IsValidUUID(t2.ID), ShouldBeTrue)
So(t.CouponID, ShouldEqual, t2.CouponID)
So(t.ActorID, ShouldEqual, t2.ActorID)
So(t.TransType, ShouldEqual, t2.TransType)
Convey("getCouponTransactionsWithType try to get the coupon transaction with diff trans type", func() {
tt2 := tt + 1%int(TTUnknownTransaction)
ts, _ := getCouponTransactionsWithType(t.CouponID, TransType(tt2))
Convey("And should not contain the coupon just created", func() {
So(len(ts), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("getCouponTransactionsWithType try to get the coupon transaction with wrong coupon id", func() {
ts, _ := getCouponTransactionsWithType(base.RandString(4), TransType(tt))
Convey("And should not contain the coupon just created", func() {
So(len(ts), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Given several coupon transactions with different coupon in an empty table", t, func() {
couponID := uuid.New().String()
tt3 := r.Intn(int(TTUnknownTransaction))
ts := _prepareSeveralCouponTransactionsInDB(base.RandString(4), couponID, TransType(tt3), true)
_ = _prepareSeveralCouponTransactionsInDB(base.RandString(4), uuid.New().String(), TransType(tt3), false)
Convey("getCouponTransactionsWithType only get the coupon transactions with given couponID", func() {
ts2, _ := getCouponTransactionsWithType(couponID, TransType(tt3))
Convey("And should contain the coupon ransactions just created with given couponID", func() {
So(len(ts), ShouldEqual, len(ts2))
t := ts[0]
for _, t2 := range ts2 {
if t.ID == t2.ID {
So(t.ID, ShouldEqual, t2.ID)
So(t.CouponID, ShouldEqual, t2.CouponID)
So(t.ActorID, ShouldEqual, t2.ActorID)
So(t.TransType, ShouldEqual, t2.TransType)
func Test_GetCouponTransactionCountWithType(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given a clean db", t, func() {
dbConnection.Exec("DELETE FROM couponTransactions")
Convey("There is no coupon transactio", func() {
tt := r.Intn(int(TTUnknownTransaction))
count, err := getCouponTransactionCountWithType(base.RandString(4), TransType(tt))
So(0, ShouldEqual, count)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Given several coupon transactions with different trans type in an empty table", t, func() {
couponID := uuid.New().String()
tt := r.Intn(int(TTUnknownTransaction))
ts := _prepareSeveralCouponTransactionsInDB(base.RandString(4), couponID, TransType(tt), true)
tt2 := (tt + 1) % int(TTUnknownTransaction)
_ = _prepareSeveralCouponTransactionsInDB(base.RandString(4), couponID, TransType(tt2), false)
Convey("getCouponTransactionsWithType only get the coupon transactions with given type", func() {
count, err := getCouponTransactionCountWithType(couponID, TransType(tt))
Convey("And should contain the coupon ransactions just created with given couponID", func() {
So(len(ts), ShouldEqual, count)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
func _prepareSeveralCouponTransactionsInDB(actorID string, couponID string, tt TransType, bTrancate bool) []*Transaction {
count := r.Intn(10) + 1
if bTrancate {
_, _ = dbConnection.Exec("DELETE FROM couponTransactions")
ts := make([]*Transaction, 0, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
ts = append(ts, _prepareARandomCouponTransactionInDB(actorID, couponID, tt, false))
return ts
func _prepareARandomCouponTransactionInDB(actorID string, couponID string, tt TransType, bTrancate bool) *Transaction {
t := _aTransaction(actorID, couponID, TransType(tt), base.RandString(4))
if bTrancate {
_, _ = dbConnection.Exec("DELETE FROM couponTransactions")
s := fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO couponTransactions VALUES ("%s","%s","%s",%d,"%s","%d")`, t.ID, t.CouponID, t.ActorID, t.TransType, t.EncryptExtraInfo(), t.CreatedTime.Unix())
_, e := dbConnection.Exec(s)
if nil != e {
fmt.Println("dbConnection.Exec(s) ==== ", e.Error())
return t
func _prepareSeveralCouponsInDB(consumerID string, consumerRefID string, channelID string, couponType string, bTrancate bool) []*Coupon {
count := r.Intn(10) + 1
if bTrancate {
_, _ = dbConnection.Exec("DELETE FROM coupons")
cs := make([]*Coupon, 0, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
cs = append(cs, _prepareARandomCouponInDB(consumerID, consumerRefID, channelID, couponType, false))
return cs
func _prepareARandomCouponInDB(consumerID string, consumerRefID string, channelID string, couponType string, bTrancate bool) *Coupon {
state := r.Intn(int(SUnknown))
var p map[string]interface{}
p = make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
p["the_key"] = "the value"
c := _aCoupon(consumerID, consumerRefID, channelID, couponType, State(state), p)
if bTrancate {
_, _ = dbConnection.Exec("DELETE FROM coupons")
s := fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO coupons VALUES ("%s","%s","%s","%s","%s",%d,"%s",%d)`, c.ID, c.CouponTypeID, c.ConsumerID, c.ConsumerRefID, c.ChannelID, c.State, "some string", c.CreatedTime.Unix())
_, _ = dbConnection.Exec(s)
return c