A simple video chat between two clients as an example of how to connect two browsers via WebRTC using Twilio STUN/TURN infrastructure.
Read the blog post to see how to build this: [Getting Started with WebRTC using Node.js, Socket.io and Twilio’s NAT Traversal Service](https://www.twilio.com/blog/2014/12/set-phasers-to-stunturn-getting-started-with-webrtc-using-node-js-socket-io-and-twilios-nat-traversal-service.html).
* Create a `.env` file copying `.env.template`. Fill in your `Account SID` and `Auth Token` from your [Twilio console](https://www.twilio.com/console)
* Start the server
npm start
* Open two browsers on your laptop and point them `localhost:3000`. If you want to use a client on another computer/mobile, make sure you publish your server on an HTTPS connection (otherwise the camera may not work). You can use a service like [ngrok](https://ngrok.com/) for that.
* Click on the "Get Video" button on both browsers
* Click on button "Call" on one of the browser, to establish the video call