// Vars var isMuted; var videoIsPaused; var dataChanel = null; const browserName = getBrowserName(); const url = window.location.href; const roomHash = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).toLowerCase(); var mode = "camera"; // var isFullscreen = false; var sendingCaptions = false; var receivingCaptions = false; const isWebRTCSupported = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia || window.RTCPeerConnection; // Element vars const chatInput = document.querySelector(".compose input"); const remoteVideoVanilla = document.getElementById("remote-video"); const remoteVideo = $("#remote-video"); const captionText = $("#remote-video-text"); const localVideoText = $("#local-video-text"); const captionButtontext = $("#caption-button-text"); const entireChat = $("#entire-chat"); const chatZone = $("#chat-zone"); var VideoChat = { connected: false, willInitiateCall: false, localICECandidates: [], socket: io(), remoteVideo: document.getElementById("remote-video"), localVideo: document.getElementById("local-video"), recognition: undefined, // Call to getUserMedia (provided by adapter.js for cross browser compatibility) // asking for access to both the video and audio streams. If the request is // accepted callback to the onMediaStream function, otherwise callback to the // noMediaStream function. requestMediaStream: function (event) { logIt("requestMediaStream"); rePositionLocalVideo(); navigator.mediaDevices .getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true, }) .then((stream) => { VideoChat.onMediaStream(stream); localVideoText.text("Drag Me"); setTimeout(() => localVideoText.fadeOut(), 5000); }) .catch((error) => { logIt(error); logIt( "Failed to get local webcam video, check webcam privacy settings" ); // Keep trying to get user media setTimeout(VideoChat.requestMediaStream, 1000); }); }, // Called when a video stream is added to VideoChat onMediaStream: function (stream) { logIt("onMediaStream"); VideoChat.localStream = stream; // Add the stream as video's srcObject. // Now that we have webcam video sorted, prompt user to share URL Snackbar.show({ text: "Here is the join link for your call: " + url, actionText: "Copy Link", width: "750px", pos: "top-center", actionTextColor: "#616161", duration: 500000, backgroundColor: "#16171a", onActionClick: function (element) { // Copy url to clipboard, this is achieved by creating a temporary element, // adding the text we want to that element, selecting it, then deleting it var copyContent = window.location.href; $('') .val(copyContent) .appendTo("body") .select(); document.execCommand("copy"); var toRemove = document.querySelector("#some-element"); toRemove.parentNode.removeChild(toRemove); Snackbar.close(); }, }); VideoChat.localVideo.srcObject = stream; // Now we're ready to join the chat room. VideoChat.socket.emit("join", roomHash); // Add listeners to the websocket VideoChat.socket.on("full", chatRoomFull); VideoChat.socket.on("offer", VideoChat.onOffer); VideoChat.socket.on("ready", VideoChat.readyToCall); VideoChat.socket.on( "willInitiateCall", () => (VideoChat.willInitiateCall = true) ); }, // When we are ready to call, enable the Call button. readyToCall: function (event) { logIt("readyToCall"); // First to join call will most likely initiate call if (VideoChat.willInitiateCall) { logIt("Initiating call"); VideoChat.startCall(); } }, // Set up a callback to run when we have the ephemeral token to use Twilio's TURN server. startCall: function (event) { logIt("startCall >>> Sending token request..."); VideoChat.socket.on("token", VideoChat.onToken(VideoChat.createOffer)); VideoChat.socket.emit("token", roomHash); }, // When we receive the ephemeral token back from the server. onToken: function (callback) { logIt("onToken"); return function (token) { logIt("<<< Received token"); // Set up a new RTCPeerConnection using the token's iceServers. VideoChat.peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: token.iceServers, }); // Add the local video stream to the peerConnection. VideoChat.localStream.getTracks().forEach(function (track) { VideoChat.peerConnection.addTrack(track, VideoChat.localStream); }); // Add general purpose data channel to peer connection, // used for text chats, captions, and toggling sending captions dataChanel = VideoChat.peerConnection.createDataChannel("chat", { negotiated: true, // both peers must have same id id: 0, }); // Called when dataChannel is successfully opened dataChanel.onopen = function (event) { logIt("dataChannel opened"); }; // Handle different dataChannel types dataChanel.onmessage = function (event) { const receivedData = event.data; // First 4 chars represent data type const dataType = receivedData.substring(0, 4); const cleanedMessage = receivedData.slice(4); if (dataType === "mes:") { handleRecieveMessage(cleanedMessage); } else if (dataType === "cap:") { recieveCaptions(cleanedMessage); } else if (dataType === "tog:") { toggleSendCaptions(); } }; // Set up callbacks for the connection generating iceCandidates or // receiving the remote media stream. VideoChat.peerConnection.onicecandidate = VideoChat.onIceCandidate; VideoChat.peerConnection.onaddstream = VideoChat.onAddStream; // Set up listeners on the socket VideoChat.socket.on("candidate", VideoChat.onCandidate); VideoChat.socket.on("answer", VideoChat.onAnswer); VideoChat.socket.on("requestToggleCaptions", () => toggleSendCaptions()); VideoChat.socket.on("recieveCaptions", (captions) => recieveCaptions(captions) ); // Called when there is a change in connection state VideoChat.peerConnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = function (event) { switch (VideoChat.peerConnection.iceConnectionState) { case "connected": logIt("connected"); // Once connected we no longer have a need for the signaling server, so disconnect VideoChat.socket.disconnect(); break; case "disconnected": case "failed": logIt("failed/disconnected"); // Refresh page if connection is lost location.reload(); break; case "closed": logIt("closed"); break; } }; callback(); }; }, // When the peerConnection generates an ice candidate, send it over the socket to the peer. onIceCandidate: function (event) { logIt("onIceCandidate"); if (event.candidate) { logIt( `<<< Received local ICE candidate from STUN/TURN server (${event.candidate.address})` ); if (VideoChat.connected) { logIt(`>>> Sending local ICE candidate (${event.candidate.address})`); VideoChat.socket.emit( "candidate", JSON.stringify(event.candidate), roomHash ); } else { // If we are not 'connected' to the other peer, we are buffering the local ICE candidates. // This most likely is happening on the "caller" side. // The peer may not have created the RTCPeerConnection yet, so we are waiting for the 'answer' // to arrive. This will signal that the peer is ready to receive signaling. VideoChat.localICECandidates.push(event.candidate); } } }, // When receiving a candidate over the socket, turn it back into a real // RTCIceCandidate and add it to the peerConnection. onCandidate: function (candidate) { // Update caption text captionText.text("Found other user... connecting"); rtcCandidate = new RTCIceCandidate(JSON.parse(candidate)); logIt( `onCandidate <<< Received remote ICE candidate (${rtcCandidate.address} - ${rtcCandidate.relatedAddress})` ); VideoChat.peerConnection.addIceCandidate(rtcCandidate); }, // Create an offer that contains the media capabilities of the browser. createOffer: function () { logIt("createOffer >>> Creating offer..."); VideoChat.peerConnection.createOffer( function (offer) { // If the offer is created successfully, set it as the local description // and send it over the socket connection to initiate the peerConnection // on the other side. VideoChat.peerConnection.setLocalDescription(offer); VideoChat.socket.emit("offer", JSON.stringify(offer), roomHash); }, function (err) { logIt("failed offer creation"); logIt(err, true); } ); }, // Create an answer with the media capabilities that both browsers share. // This function is called with the offer from the originating browser, which // needs to be parsed into an RTCSessionDescription and added as the remote // description to the peerConnection object. Then the answer is created in the // same manner as the offer and sent over the socket. createAnswer: function (offer) { logIt("createAnswer"); return function () { logIt(">>> Creating answer..."); rtcOffer = new RTCSessionDescription(JSON.parse(offer)); VideoChat.peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(rtcOffer); VideoChat.peerConnection.createAnswer( function (answer) { VideoChat.peerConnection.setLocalDescription(answer); VideoChat.socket.emit("answer", JSON.stringify(answer), roomHash); }, function (err) { logIt("Failed answer creation."); logIt(err, true); } ); }; }, // When a browser receives an offer, set up a callback to be run when the // ephemeral token is returned from Twilio. onOffer: function (offer) { logIt("onOffer <<< Received offer"); VideoChat.socket.on( "token", VideoChat.onToken(VideoChat.createAnswer(offer)) ); VideoChat.socket.emit("token", roomHash); }, // When an answer is received, add it to the peerConnection as the remote description. onAnswer: function (answer) { logIt("onAnswer <<< Received answer"); var rtcAnswer = new RTCSessionDescription(JSON.parse(answer)); // Set remote description of RTCSession VideoChat.peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(rtcAnswer); // The caller now knows that the callee is ready to accept new ICE candidates, so sending the buffer over VideoChat.localICECandidates.forEach((candidate) => { logIt(`>>> Sending local ICE candidate (${candidate.address})`); // Send ice candidate over websocket VideoChat.socket.emit("candidate", JSON.stringify(candidate), roomHash); }); // Reset the buffer of local ICE candidates. This is not really needed, but it's good practice VideoChat.localICECandidates = []; }, // Called when a stream is added to the peer connection onAddStream: function (event) { logIt("onAddStream <<< Received new stream from remote. Adding it..."); // Update remote video source VideoChat.remoteVideo.srcObject = event.stream; // Close the initial share url snackbar Snackbar.close(); // Remove the loading gif from video VideoChat.remoteVideo.style.background = "none"; // Update connection status VideoChat.connected = true; // Hide caption status text captionText.fadeOut(); // Reposition local video after a second, as there is often a delay // between adding a stream and the height of the video div changing setTimeout(() => rePositionLocalVideo(), 500); // var timesRun = 0; // var interval = setInterval(function () { // timesRun += 1; // if (timesRun === 10) { // clearInterval(interval); // } // rePositionLocalVideo(); // }, 300); }, }; // Get name of browser session using user agent function getBrowserName() { var name = "Unknown"; if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !== -1) { } else if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") !== -1) { name = "Firefox"; } else if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") !== -1) { name = "Opera"; } else if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") !== -1) { name = "Chrome"; } else if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") !== -1) { name = "Safari"; } return name; } // Basic logging class wrapper function logIt(message, error) { console.log(message); } // Called when socket receives message that room is full function chatRoomFull() { alert( "Chat room is full. Check to make sure you don't have multiple open tabs, or try with a new room link" ); // Exit room and redirect window.location.href = "/newcall"; } // Reposition local video to top left of remote video function rePositionLocalVideo() { // Get position of remote video var bounds = remoteVideo.position(); let localVideo = $("#local-video"); if ( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) { bounds.top = $(window).height() * 0.7; bounds.left += 10; } else { bounds.top += 10; bounds.left += 10; } // Set position of local video $("#moveable").css(bounds); } // Reposition captions to bottom of video function rePositionCaptions() { // Get remote video position var bounds = remoteVideo.position(); bounds.top -= 10; bounds.top = bounds.top + remoteVideo.height() - 1 * captionText.height(); // Reposition captions captionText.css(bounds); } // Called when window is resized function windowResized() { rePositionLocalVideo(); rePositionCaptions(); } // Fullscreen // function openFullscreen() { // try { // // var elem = document.getElementById("remote-video"); // var elem = document.getElementById("body"); // if (!isFullscreen) { // VideoChat.remoteVideo.classList.add("fullscreen"); // isFullscreen = true; // if (elem.requestFullscreen) { // elem.requestFullscreen(); // } else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) { // /* Firefox */ // elem.mozRequestFullScreen(); // } else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) { // /* Chrome, Safari and Opera */ // // elem.webkitRequestFullscreen(); // setTimeout(windowResized, 1000); // } else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) { // /* IE/Edge */ // elem.msRequestFullscreen(); // } // } else { // isFullscreen = false; // VideoChat.remoteVideo.classList.remove("fullscreen"); // if (document.exitFullscreen) { // document.exitFullscreen(); // } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { // /* Firefox */ // document.mozCancelFullScreen(); // } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { // /* Chrome, Safari and Opera */ // document.webkitExitFullscreen(); // } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { // /* IE/Edge */ // document.msExitFullscreen(); // } // } // } catch (e) { // logIt(e); // } // setTimeout(windowResized, 1000); // } // End Fullscreen // Mute microphone function muteMicrophone() { var audioTrack = null; // Get audio track to mute VideoChat.peerConnection.getSenders().find(function (s) { if (s.track.kind === "audio") { audioTrack = s.track; } }); isMuted = !audioTrack.enabled; audioTrack.enabled = isMuted; isMuted = !isMuted; // select mic button and mic button text const micButtonIcon = document.getElementById("mic-icon"); const micButtonText = document.getElementById("mic-text"); // Update mute button text and icon if (isMuted) { micButtonIcon.classList.remove("fa-microphone"); micButtonIcon.classList.add("fa-microphone-slash"); micButtonText.innerText = "Unmute"; } else { micButtonIcon.classList.add("fa-microphone"); micButtonIcon.classList.remove("fa-microphone-slash"); micButtonText.innerText = "Mute"; } } // End Mute microphone // Pause Video function pauseVideo() { var videoTrack = null; // Get video track to pause VideoChat.peerConnection.getSenders().find(function (s) { if (s.track.kind === "video") { videoTrack = s.track; } }); videoIsPaused = !videoTrack.enabled; videoTrack.enabled = videoIsPaused; videoIsPaused = !videoIsPaused; // select video button and video button text const videoButtonIcon = document.getElementById("video-icon"); const videoButtonText = document.getElementById("video-text"); // update pause button icon and text if (videoIsPaused) { localVideoText.text("Video is paused"); localVideoText.show(); videoButtonIcon.classList.remove("fa-video"); videoButtonIcon.classList.add("fa-video-slash"); videoButtonText.innerText = "Unpause Video"; } else { localVideoText.text("Video unpaused"); setTimeout(() => localVideoText.fadeOut(), 2000); videoButtonIcon.classList.add("fa-video"); videoButtonIcon.classList.remove("fa-video-slash"); videoButtonText.innerText = "Pause Video"; } } // End pause Video // Swap camera / screen share function swap() { // Handle swap video before video call is connected if (!VideoChat.connected) { alert("You must join a call before you can share your screen."); return; } // Store swap button icon and text const swapIcon = document.getElementById("swap-icon"); const swapText = document.getElementById("swap-text"); // If mode is camera then switch to screen share if (mode === "camera") { // Show accept screenshare snackbar Snackbar.show({ text: "Please allow screen share. Click the middle of the picture above and then press share.", width: "400px", pos: "bottom-center", actionTextColor: "#616161", duration: 50000, }); // Request screen share, note we dont want to capture audio // as we already have the stream from the Webcam navigator.mediaDevices .getDisplayMedia({ video: true, audio: false, }) .then(function (stream) { // Close allow screenshare snackbar Snackbar.close(); // Change display mode mode = "screen"; // Update swap button icon and text swapIcon.classList.remove("fa-desktop"); swapIcon.classList.add("fa-camera"); swapText.innerText = "Share Webcam"; switchStreamHelper(stream); }) .catch(function (err) { logIt(err); logIt("Error sharing screen"); Snackbar.close(); }); // If mode is screenshare then switch to webcam } else { // Stop the screen share track VideoChat.localVideo.srcObject.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop()); // Get webcam input navigator.mediaDevices .getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true, }) .then(function (stream) { // Change display mode mode = "camera"; // Update swap button icon and text swapIcon.classList.remove("fa-camera"); swapIcon.classList.add("fa-desktop"); swapText.innerText = "Share Screen"; switchStreamHelper(stream); }); } } // Swap current video track with passed in stream function switchStreamHelper(stream) { // Get current video track let videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; // Add listen for if the current track swaps, swap back videoTrack.onended = function () { swap(); }; if (VideoChat.connected) { // Find sender const sender = VideoChat.peerConnection.getSenders().find(function (s) { // make sure tack types match return s.track.kind === videoTrack.kind; }); // Replace sender track sender.replaceTrack(videoTrack); } // Update local video stream VideoChat.localStream = videoTrack; // Update local video object VideoChat.localVideo.srcObject = stream; // Unpause video on swap if (videoIsPaused) { pauseVideo(); } } // End swap camera / screen share // Live caption // Request captions from other user, toggles state function requestToggleCaptions() { // Handle requesting captions before connected if (!VideoChat.connected) { alert("You must be connected to a peer to use Live Caption"); return; } if (receivingCaptions) { captionText.text("").fadeOut(); captionButtontext.text("Start Live Caption"); receivingCaptions = false; } else { Snackbar.show({ text: "This is an experimental feature. Live caption requires the other user to be using Chrome", width: "400px", pos: "bottom-center", actionTextColor: "#616161", duration: 10000, }); captionButtontext.text("End Live Caption"); receivingCaptions = true; } // Send request to get captions over data channel dataChanel.send("tog:"); } // Start/stop sending captions to other user function toggleSendCaptions() { if (sendingCaptions) { sendingCaptions = false; VideoChat.recognition.stop(); } else { startSpeech(); sendingCaptions = true; } } // Start speech recognition function startSpeech() { try { var SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition; VideoChat.recognition = new SpeechRecognition(); // VideoChat.recognition.lang = "en"; } catch (e) { sendingCaptions = false; logIt(e); logIt("error importing speech library"); // Alert other user that they cannon use live caption dataChanel.send("cap:notusingchrome"); return; } // recognition.maxAlternatives = 3; VideoChat.recognition.continuous = true; // Show results that aren't final VideoChat.recognition.interimResults = true; var finalTranscript; VideoChat.recognition.onresult = (event) => { let interimTranscript = ""; for (let i = event.resultIndex, len = event.results.length; i < len; i++) { var transcript = event.results[i][0].transcript; if (event.results[i].isFinal) { finalTranscript += transcript; } else { interimTranscript += transcript; var charsToKeep = interimTranscript.length % 100; // Send captions over data chanel, // subtracting as many complete 100 char slices from start dataChanel.send( "cap:" + interimTranscript.substring(interimTranscript.length - charsToKeep) ); } } }; VideoChat.recognition.onend = function () { logIt("on speech recording end"); // Restart speech recognition if user has not stopped it if (sendingCaptions) { startSpeech(); } else { VideoChat.recognition.stop(); } }; VideoChat.recognition.start(); } // Recieve captions over datachannel function recieveCaptions(captions) { if (receivingCaptions) { captionText.text("").fadeIn(); } else { captionText.text("").fadeOut(); } // Other user is not using chrome if (captions === "notusingchrome") { alert( "Other caller must be using chrome for this feature to work. Live Caption turned off." ); receivingCaptions = false; captionText.text("").fadeOut(); captionButtontext.text("Start Live Caption"); return; } captionText.text(captions); rePositionCaptions(); } // End Live caption // Translation // function translate(text) { // let fromLang = "en"; // let toLang = "zh"; // // let text = "hello how are you?"; // const API_KEY = "APIKEYHERE"; // let gurl = `https://translation.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=${API_KEY}`; // gurl += "&q=" + encodeURI(text); // gurl += `&source=${fromLang}`; // gurl += `&target=${toLang}`; // fetch(gurl, { // method: "GET", // headers: { // "Content-Type": "application/json", // Accept: "application/json", // }, // }) // .then((res) => res.json()) // .then((response) => { // // console.log("response from google: ", response); // // return response["data"]["translations"][0]["translatedText"]; // logIt(response); // var translatedText = // response["data"]["translations"][0]["translatedText"]; // console.log(translatedText); // dataChanel.send("cap:" + translatedText); // }) // .catch((error) => { // console.log("There was an error with the translation request: ", error); // }); // } // End Translation // Text Chat // Add text message to chat screen on page function addMessageToScreen(msg, isOwnMessage) { if (isOwnMessage) { $(".chat-messages").append( '
' + msg + "
" ); } else { $(".chat-messages").append( '
' + msg + "
" ); } } // Listen for enter press on chat input chatInput.addEventListener("keypress", function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { // Prevent page refresh on enter event.preventDefault(); var msg = chatInput.value; // Prevent cross site scripting msg = msg.replace(//g, ">"); // Make links clickable msg = msg.autoLink(); // Send message over data channel dataChanel.send("mes:" + msg); // Add message to screen addMessageToScreen(msg, true); // Auto scroll chat down chatZone.scrollTop(chatZone[0].scrollHeight); // Clear chat input chatInput.value = ""; } }); // Called when a message is recieved over the dataChannel function handleRecieveMessage(msg) { // Add message to screen addMessageToScreen(msg, false); // Auto scroll chat down chatZone.scrollTop(chatZone[0].scrollHeight); // Show chat if hidden if (entireChat.is(":hidden")) { toggleChat(); } } // Show and hide chat function toggleChat() { var chatIcon = document.getElementById("chat-icon"); var chatText = $("#chat-text"); if (entireChat.is(":visible")) { entireChat.fadeOut(); // Update show chat buttton chatText.text("Show Chat"); chatIcon.classList.remove("fa-comment-slash"); chatIcon.classList.add("fa-comment"); } else { entireChat.fadeIn(); // Update show chat buttton chatText.text("Hide Chat"); chatIcon.classList.remove("fa-comment"); chatIcon.classList.add("fa-comment-slash"); } } // End Text chat //Picture in picture function togglePictureInPicture() { if ( "pictureInPictureEnabled" in document || remoteVideoVanilla.webkitSetPresentationMode ) { if (document.pictureInPictureElement) { document.exitPictureInPicture().catch((error) => { logIt("Error exiting pip."); logIt(error); }); } else if (remoteVideoVanilla.webkitPresentationMode === "inline") { remoteVideoVanilla.webkitSetPresentationMode("picture-in-picture"); } else if ( remoteVideoVanilla.webkitPresentationMode === "picture-in-picture" ) { remoteVideoVanilla.webkitSetPresentationMode("inline"); } else { remoteVideoVanilla.requestPictureInPicture().catch((error) => { alert( "You must be connected to another person to enter picture in picture." ); }); } } else { alert( "Picture in picture is not supported in your browser. Consider using Chrome or Safari." ); } } //Picture in picture function startUp() { // Try and detect in-app browsers and redirect var ua = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; if ( DetectRTC.isMobileDevice && (ua.indexOf("FBAN") > -1 || ua.indexOf("FBAV") > -1 || ua.indexOf("Instagram") > -1) ) { if (DetectRTC.osName === "iOS") { window.location.href = "/notsupportedios"; } else { window.location.href = "/notsupported"; } } // Redirect all iOS browsers that are not Safari if (DetectRTC.isMobileDevice) { if (DetectRTC.osName === "iOS" && !DetectRTC.browser.isSafari) { window.location.href = "/notsupportedios"; } } if (!isWebRTCSupported || browserName === "MSIE") { window.location.href = "/notsupported"; } // Set tab title document.title = "Zipcall - " + url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // get webcam on load VideoChat.requestMediaStream(); // Captions hidden by default captionText.text("").fadeOut(); // Make local video draggable $("#moveable").draggable({ containment: "window" }); // Hide button labels on load $(".HoverState").hide(); // Text chat hidden by default entireChat.hide(); // Show hide button labels on hover $(document).ready(function () { $(".hoverButton").mouseover(function () { $(".HoverState").hide(); $(this).next().show(); }); $(".hoverButton").mouseout(function () { $(".HoverState").hide(); }); }); // Fade out / show UI on mouse move var timedelay = 1; function delayCheck() { if (timedelay === 5) { // $(".multi-button").fadeOut(); $("#header").fadeOut(); timedelay = 1; } timedelay = timedelay + 1; } $(document).mousemove(function () { $(".multi-button").fadeIn(); $("#header").fadeIn(); $(".multi-button").style = ""; timedelay = 1; clearInterval(_delay); _delay = setInterval(delayCheck, 500); }); _delay = setInterval(delayCheck, 500); // Show accept webcam snackbar Snackbar.show({ text: "Please allow microphone and webcam access", actionText: "Show Me How", width: "455px", pos: "top-right", actionTextColor: "#616161", duration: 50000, onActionClick: function (element) { window.open( "https://getacclaim.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001547832-Setting-the-default-camera-on-your-browser", "_blank" ); }, }); // Set caption text on start captionText.text("Waiting for other user to join...").fadeIn(); // Reposition captions on start rePositionCaptions(); // On change media devices refresh page and switch to system default navigator.mediaDevices.ondevicechange = () => window.location.reload(); } startUp();