2020-03-25 17:57:54 -04:00

326 lines
12 KiB

if (window.location.pathname === "/") {
window.location.href = "/landing/newroom";
const roomHash = window.location.pathname;
var isWebRTCSupported =
navigator.getUserMedia ||
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
navigator.mozGetUserMedia ||
navigator.msGetUserMedia ||
// try {
// window.RTCPeerConnection.peerConnection.addStream
// } catch (e) {
// alert("Your browser doesn't support Neon Chat. Please use Chrome or Firefox.");
// window.location.href = "/landing";
// }
if (!isWebRTCSupported) {
alert("Your browser doesn't support Neon Chat. Please use Chrome or Firefox.");
window.location.href = "/landing";
function logIt(message, error) {
// console.log(message);
// Add to logs on page
// let logs = document.getElementById('logs');
// let tmp = document.createElement('P');
// tmp.innerText = message;
// if (error) {
// tmp.classList.add('error');
// }
// logs.appendChild(tmp);
// Create an object to save various objects to without polluting the global namespace.
var VideoChat = {
connected: false,
willInitiateCall: false,
localICECandidates: [],
// Initialise our connection to the WebSocket.
socket: io(),
remoteVideo: document.getElementById('remote-video'),
localVideo: document.getElementById('local-video'),
// Call to getUserMedia (provided by adapter.js for cross browser compatibility)
// asking for access to both the video and audio streams. If the request is
// accepted callback to the onMediaStream function, otherwise callback to the
// noMediaStream function.
requestMediaStream: function (event) {
.getUserMedia({video: true, audio: true})
.then(stream => {
.catch(error => {
logIt('No media stream for us.');
alert("Please check your webcam browser privacy settings.")
requestScreenStream: function (event) {
.getDisplayMedia({video: true, audio: true})
.then(stream => {
.catch(error => {
logIt('No media stream for us.');
alert("Please check your screen sharing browser privacy settings.")
// The onMediaStream function receives the media stream as an argument.
onMediaStream: function (stream) {
VideoChat.localStream = stream;
// Add the stream as video's srcObject.
VideoChat.localVideo.srcObject = stream;
// Now we're ready to join the chat room.
VideoChat.socket.emit('join', roomHash);
VideoChat.socket.on('temp', () => alert("temp called"));
VideoChat.socket.on('full', VideoChat.chatRoomFull);
VideoChat.socket.on('offer', VideoChat.onOffer);
VideoChat.socket.on('ready', VideoChat.readyToCall);
VideoChat.socket.on('willInitiateCall', () => VideoChat.willInitiateCall = true);
chatRoomFull: function () {
alert("Chat room is full. Check to make sure you don't have multiple open tabs, or try with a new room link");
window.location.href = "/landing/newroom";
// When we are ready to call, enable the Call button.
readyToCall: function (event) {
if (VideoChat.willInitiateCall) {
// Set up a callback to run when we have the ephemeral token to use Twilio's TURN server.
startCall: function (event) {
logIt('>>> Sending token request...');
VideoChat.socket.on('token', VideoChat.onToken(VideoChat.createOffer));
VideoChat.socket.emit('token', roomHash);
// When we receive the ephemeral token back from the server.
onToken: function (callback) {
return function (token) {
logIt('<<< Received token');
// Set up a new RTCPeerConnection using the token's iceServers.
VideoChat.peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers: token.iceServers});
// Add the local video stream to the peerConnection.
// Set up callbacks for the connection generating iceCandidates or
// receiving the remote media stream.
VideoChat.peerConnection.onicecandidate = VideoChat.onIceCandidate;
VideoChat.peerConnection.onaddstream = VideoChat.onAddStream;
// Set up listeners on the socket for candidates or answers being passed
// over the socket connection.
VideoChat.socket.on('candidate', VideoChat.onCandidate);
VideoChat.socket.on('answer', VideoChat.onAnswer);
// When the peerConnection generates an ice candidate, send it over the socket to the peer.
onIceCandidate: function (event) {
if (event.candidate) {
logIt(`<<< Received local ICE candidate from STUN/TURN server (${event.candidate.address})`);
if (VideoChat.connected) {
logIt(`>>> Sending local ICE candidate (${event.candidate.address})`);
VideoChat.socket.emit('candidate', JSON.stringify(event.candidate), roomHash);
} else {
// If we are not 'connected' to the other peer, we are buffering the local ICE candidates.
// This most likely is happening on the "caller" side.
// The peer may not have created the RTCPeerConnection yet, so we are waiting for the 'answer'
// to arrive. This will signal that the peer is ready to receive signaling.
// When receiving a candidate over the socket, turn it back into a real
// RTCIceCandidate and add it to the peerConnection.
onCandidate: function (candidate) {
rtcCandidate = new RTCIceCandidate(JSON.parse(candidate));
logIt(`<<< Received remote ICE candidate (${rtcCandidate.address} - ${rtcCandidate.relatedAddress})`);
// Create an offer that contains the media capabilities of the browser.
createOffer: function () {
logIt('>>> Creating offer...');
function (offer) {
// If the offer is created successfully, set it as the local description
// and send it over the socket connection to initiate the peerConnection
// on the other side.
VideoChat.socket.emit('offer', JSON.stringify(offer), roomHash);
function (err) {
logIt("failed offer creation");
logIt(err, true);
// Create an answer with the media capabilities that both browsers share.
// This function is called with the offer from the originating browser, which
// needs to be parsed into an RTCSessionDescription and added as the remote
// description to the peerConnection object. Then the answer is created in the
// same manner as the offer and sent over the socket.
createAnswer: function (offer) {
return function () {
logIt('>>> Creating answer...');
VideoChat.connected = true;
rtcOffer = new RTCSessionDescription(JSON.parse(offer));
function (answer) {
VideoChat.socket.emit('answer', JSON.stringify(answer), roomHash);
function (err) {
logIt("Failed answer creation.");
logIt(err, true);
// When a browser receives an offer, set up a callback to be run when the
// ephemeral token is returned from Twilio.
onOffer: function (offer) {
logIt('<<< Received offer');
VideoChat.socket.on('token', VideoChat.onToken(VideoChat.createAnswer(offer)));
VideoChat.socket.emit('token', roomHash);
// When an answer is received, add it to the peerConnection as the remote
// description.
onAnswer: function (answer) {
logIt('<<< Received answer');
var rtcAnswer = new RTCSessionDescription(JSON.parse(answer));
VideoChat.connected = true;
VideoChat.localICECandidates.forEach(candidate => {
// The caller now knows that the callee is ready to accept new ICE candidates, so sending the buffer over
logIt(`>>> Sending local ICE candidate (${candidate.address})`);
VideoChat.socket.emit('candidate', JSON.stringify(candidate), roomHash);
// Reset the buffer of local ICE candidates. This is not really needed
// in this specific client, but it's good practice
VideoChat.localICECandidates = [];
// When the peerConnection receives the actual media stream from the other
// browser, add it to the other video element on the page.
onAddStream: function (event) {
logIt('<<< Received new stream from remote. Adding it...');
VideoChat.remoteVideo.srcObject = event.stream;
// auto get media
// VideoChat.requestScreenStream();
function openFullscreen() {
if (VideoChat.remoteVideo.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (VideoChat.remoteVideo.mozRequestFullScreen) { /* Firefox */
} else if (VideoChat.remoteVideo.webkitRequestFullscreen) { /* Chrome, Safari and Opera */
} else if (VideoChat.remoteVideo.msRequestFullscreen) { /* IE/Edge */
function muteMicrophone() {
var muted = !VideoChat.localStream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled;
VideoChat.localStream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled = muted;
var mutedButton = document.getElementById("muteButton");
if (!muted) {
mutedButton.innerText = "Unmute"
} else {
mutedButton.innerText = "Mute"
function pauseVideo() {
var muted = !VideoChat.localStream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled;
var videoPaused = !VideoChat.localStream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled;
VideoChat.localStream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled = muted;
VideoChat.localStream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled = videoPaused;
var pausedButton = document.getElementById("videoPauseButton");
if (!muted) {
pausedButton.innerText = "Unpause"
} else {
pausedButton.innerText = "Pause"
//Show and hide buttons automatically
var timedelay = 1;
function delayCheck() {
if (timedelay === 5) {
timedelay = 1;
timedelay = timedelay + 1;
$(document).mousemove(function () {
timedelay = 1;
_delay = setInterval(delayCheck, 500);
_delay = setInterval(delayCheck, 500);
// Show share URL
text: 'Share this URL with a friend to get started',
actionText: 'Copy URL',
width: '355px',
pos: 'top-left',
actionTextColor: '#8688ff',
duration: 50000,
backgroundColor :'#292B32',
onActionClick: function (element) {
var copyContent = window.location.href;
$('<input id="some-element">').val(copyContent).appendTo('body').select();
var toRemove = document.querySelector('#some-element');
$(element).css('opacity', 0); //Set opacity of element to 0 to close Snackbar