/*************************************************** ** @Desc : This file for ... ** @Time : 2019/10/28 10:15 ** @Author : yuebin ** @File : order_info ** @Last Modified by : yuebin ** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/28 10:15 ** @Software: GoLand ****************************************************/ package models import ( "fmt" "github.com/astaxie/beego/logs" "github.com/astaxie/beego/orm" "strconv" ) type OrderInfo struct { Id int ShopName string //商品名称 OrderPeriod string //订单有效时间 MerchantOrderId string //商户订单id BankOrderId string //本系统订单id BankTransId string //上游流水id OrderAmount float64 //订单提交的金额 ShowAmount float64 //待支付的金额 FactAmount float64 //用户实际支付金额 RollPoolCode string //轮询池编码 RollPoolName string //轮询池名臣 RoadUid string //通道标识 RoadName string //通道名称 PayProductName string //上游支付公司的名称 PayProductCode string //上游支付公司的编码代号 PayTypeCode string //支付产品编码 PayTypeName string //支付产品名称 OsType string //操作系统类型 Status string //订单支付状态 Refund string //退款状态 RefundTime string //退款操作时间 Freeze string //冻结状态 FreezeTime string //冻结时间 Unfreeze string //是否已经解冻 UnfreezeTime string //解冻时间 ReturnUrl string //支付完跳转地址 NotifyUrl string //下游回调地址 MerchantUid string //商户id MerchantName string //商户名称 AgentUid string //该商户所属代理 AgentName string //该商户所属代理名称 UpdateTime string CreateTime string } const ORDER_INFO = "order_info" func InsertOrder(orderInfo OrderInfo) bool { o := orm.NewOrm() _, err := o.Insert(&orderInfo) if err != nil { logs.Error("insert order info fail: ", err) return false } return true } func OrderNoIsEixst(orderId string) bool { o := orm.NewOrm() exits := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO).Filter("merchant_order_id", orderId).Exist() return exits } func BankOrderIdIsEixst(bankOrderId string) bool { o := orm.NewOrm() exists := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).Exist() return exists } func GetOrderLenByMap(params map[string]string) int { o := orm.NewOrm() qs := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO) for k, v := range params { if len(v) > 0 { qs = qs.Filter(k, v) } } cnt, _ := qs.Limit(-1).Count() return int(cnt) } func GetOrderByMap(params map[string]string, display, offset int) []OrderInfo { o := orm.NewOrm() var orderInfoList []OrderInfo qs := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO) for k, v := range params { if len(v) > 0 { qs = qs.Filter(k, v) } } _, err := qs.Limit(display, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&orderInfoList) if err != nil { logs.Error("get order by map fail: ", err) } return orderInfoList } func GetSuccessRateByMap(params map[string]string) string { o := orm.NewOrm() qs := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO) for k, v := range params { if len(v) > 0 { qs = qs.Filter(k, v) } } successRate := "0%" allCount, _ := qs.Limit(-1).Count() successCount, _ := qs.Filter("status", "success").Limit(-1).Count() if allCount == 0 { return successRate } tmp := float64(successCount) / float64(allCount) * 100 successRate = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", tmp) return successRate + "%" } func GetAllAmountByMap(params map[string]string) float64 { o := orm.NewOrm() condition := "select sum(order_amount) as allAmount from order_info " for _, v := range params { if len(v) > 0 { condition = condition + "where " break } } flag := false if params["create_time__gte"] != "" { flag = true condition = condition + " create_time >= '" + params["create_time__gte"] + "'" } if params["create_time__lte"] != "" { if flag { condition = condition + " and " } condition = condition + " create_time <= '" + params["create_time__lte"] + "'" } if params["merchant_name__icontains"] != "" { if flag { condition = condition + " and " } condition = condition + "merchant_name like %'" + params["merchant_name__icontains"] + "'% " } if params["merchant_order_id"] != "" { if flag { condition = condition + " and " } condition = condition + " merchant_order_id = '" + params["merchant_order_id"] + "'" } if params["bank_order_id"] != "" { if flag { condition = condition + " and " } condition = condition + " bank_order_id = '" + params["bank_order_id"] + "'" } if params["status"] != "" { if flag { condition = condition + " and " } condition = condition + "status = '" + params["status"] + "'" } if params["pay_product_code"] != "" { if flag { condition = condition + " and " } condition = condition + "pay_product_code = " + params["pay_product_code"] + "'" } if params["pay_type_code"] != "" { if flag { condition = condition + " and " } condition = condition + "pay_type_code = " + params["pay_type_code"] } logs.Info("get order amount str = ", condition) var maps []orm.Params allAmount := 0.00 num, err := o.Raw(condition).Values(&maps) if err == nil && num > 0 { allAmount, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(maps[0]["allAmount"].(string), 64) } return allAmount } func GetOrderByBankOrderId(bankOrderId string) OrderInfo { o := orm.NewOrm() var orderInfo OrderInfo _, err := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).Limit(1).All(&orderInfo) if err != nil { logs.Error("get order info by bankOrderId fail: ", err) } return orderInfo } func GetOrderByMerchantOrderId(merchantOrderId string) OrderInfo { o := orm.NewOrm() var orderInfo OrderInfo _, err := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO).Filter("merchant_order_id", merchantOrderId).Limit(1).All(&orderInfo) if err != nil { logs.Error("get order by merchant_order_id: ", err.Error()) } return orderInfo } func GetOneOrder(bankOrderId string) OrderInfo { o := orm.NewOrm() var orderInfo OrderInfo _, err := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).Limit(1).All(&orderInfo) if err != nil { logs.Error("get one order fail: ", err) } return orderInfo }