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2021-12-23 00:19:55 +08:00
import Foundation
public enum PMKError: Error {
The completionHandler with form `(T?, Error?)` was called with `(nil, nil)`.
This is invalid as per Cocoa/Apple calling conventions.
case invalidCallingConvention
A handler returned its own promise. 99% of the time, this is likely a
programming error. It is also invalid per Promises/A+.
case returnedSelf
/** `when()`, `race()` etc. were called with invalid parameters, eg. an empty array. */
case badInput
/// The operation was cancelled
case cancelled
/// `nil` was returned from `flatMap`
@available(*, deprecated, message: "See: `compactMap`")
case flatMap(Any, Any.Type)
/// `nil` was returned from `compactMap`
case compactMap(Any, Any.Type)
The lastValue or firstValue of a sequence was requested but the sequence was empty.
Also used if all values of this collection failed the test passed to `firstValue(where:)`.
case emptySequence
/// no winner in `race(fulfilled:)`
case noWinner
extension PMKError: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
switch self {
case .flatMap(let obj, let type):
return "Could not `flatMap<\(type)>`: \(obj)"
case .compactMap(let obj, let type):
return "Could not `compactMap<\(type)>`: \(obj)"
case .invalidCallingConvention:
return "A closure was called with an invalid calling convention, probably (nil, nil)"
case .returnedSelf:
return "A promise handler returned itself"
case .badInput:
return "Bad input was provided to a PromiseKit function"
case .cancelled:
return "The asynchronous sequence was cancelled"
case .emptySequence:
return "The first or last element was requested for an empty sequence"
case .noWinner:
return "All thenables passed to race(fulfilled:) were rejected"
extension PMKError: LocalizedError {
public var errorDescription: String? {
return debugDescription
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Cancellation
/// An error that may represent the cancelled condition
public protocol CancellableError: Error {
/// returns true if this Error represents a cancelled condition
var isCancelled: Bool { get }
extension Error {
public var isCancelled: Bool {
do {
throw self
} catch PMKError.cancelled {
return true
} catch let error as CancellableError {
return error.isCancelled
} catch URLError.cancelled {
return true
} catch CocoaError.userCancelled {
return true
} catch let error as NSError {
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
let domain = error.domain
let code = error.code
return ("SKErrorDomain", 2) == (domain, code)
return false
} catch {
return false
/// Used by `catch` and `recover`
public enum CatchPolicy {
/// Indicates that `catch` or `recover` handle all error types including cancellable-errors.
case allErrors
/// Indicates that `catch` or `recover` handle all error except cancellable-errors.
case allErrorsExceptCancellation