#define DOWNLOADED_IMG "/download.jpg" #define AA_FONT_CUBIC "Cubic1112" #include #include WiFiManager wm; WiFiManagerParameter mqtt_host_field; WiFiManagerParameter mqtt_port_field; WiFiManagerParameter mqtt_topic_field; WiFiManagerParameter mqtt_client_field; WiFiManagerParameter mqtt_user_field; WiFiManagerParameter mqtt_password_field; String mqtt_host_value = ""; short mqtt_port_value = 1883; String mqtt_client_postfix = ""; String mqtt_topic_value = ""; String mqtt_user_value = ""; String mqtt_client_value = ""; String mqtt_password_value = ""; //EspMQTTClient mclient( // WIFI_SSID, // WIFI_PASSWORD, // MQTT_IP, // MQTT_USER, // MQTT_PASSWORD, // MQTT_CLIENT_NAME, // MQTT_PORT //); EspMQTTClient mclient; // #include "cubic_12.h" // #include "SPI.h" #include TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); #ifdef ESP8266 #include #define BEEP_PIN D8 #define IMG_SCALE 2 #define TXT_SCALE 2 #else #include "SPIFFS.h" // Required for ESP32 only #define IMG_SCALE 2 #define TXT_SCALE 2 #define BEEP_PIN 22 #include #endif #include void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); mclient.enableDebuggingMessages(); tft.begin(); pinMode(19, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(19, HIGH); // tft.setRotation(1); // 屏幕方向 tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextColor(0xFFFF,0x0000);tft.setCursor(0, 0, 1);tft.setTextSize(TXT_SCALE);tft.println("Init ..."); Serial.println("tft init"); if (!SPIFFS.begin()) { Serial.println("SPIFFS initialisation failed!"); while (1) yield(); // Stay here twiddling thumbs waiting } Serial.println("SPIFFS init"); TJpgDec.setJpgScale(IMG_SCALE); TJpgDec.setSwapBytes(true); TJpgDec.setCallback(tft_output); Serial.println("TJpgDec init"); tft.fillScreen( TFT_BLACK ); tft.setCursor(0, 0, 1); tft.println("Connect to DeerEspWiFi, go"); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); wm.resetSettings(); // add a custom input field int customFieldLength = 40; new (&mqtt_host_field) WiFiManagerParameter("mqtt_host", "MQTT IP", "broker.emqx.io", customFieldLength,"placeholder=\"MQTT server IP\""); new (&mqtt_port_field) WiFiManagerParameter("mqtt_port", "MQTT Port", "1883", customFieldLength,"placeholder=\"MQTT server port, 1883 as default\""); new (&mqtt_topic_field) WiFiManagerParameter("mqtt_topic", "MQTT Topic", "LB2312", customFieldLength,"placeholder=\"MQTT base topic\""); new (&mqtt_client_field) WiFiManagerParameter("mqtt_client", "MQTT Client ID", "DeerESP0001", customFieldLength,"placeholder=\"MQTT client id, can be empty\""); new (&mqtt_user_field) WiFiManagerParameter("mqtt_user", "MQTT User", "", customFieldLength,"placeholder=\"MQTT user, can be empty\""); new (&mqtt_password_field) WiFiManagerParameter("mqtt_password", "MQTT Password", "", customFieldLength,"placeholder=\"MQTT password, can be empty\""); wm.addParameter(&mqtt_host_field); wm.addParameter(&mqtt_port_field); wm.addParameter(&mqtt_topic_field); wm.addParameter(&mqtt_client_field); wm.addParameter(&mqtt_user_field); wm.addParameter(&mqtt_password_field); wm.setSaveParamsCallback(saveParamCallback); bool res; res = wm.autoConnect("DeerEspWiFi"); // anonymous ap if(!res) { Serial.println("Failed to connect"); // ESP.restart(); } else { //if you get here you have connected to the WiFi Serial.println("connected...yeey :)"); } mclient.enableDebuggingMessages(true); mclient.setMqttClientName(mqtt_client_value.c_str()); mclient.setMqttServer(mqtt_host_value.c_str(), mqtt_user_value.c_str(), mqtt_password_value.c_str(), mqtt_port_value); } String getParam(String name){ //read parameter from server, for customhmtl input String value; if(wm.server->hasArg(name)) { value = wm.server->arg(name); } return value; } void saveParamCallback(){ mqtt_host_value = getParam("mqtt_host"); mqtt_user_value = getParam("mqtt_user"); mqtt_password_value = getParam("mqtt_password"); mqtt_topic_value = getParam("mqtt_topic"); mqtt_client_value = getParam("mqtt_client"); mqtt_port_value = getParam("mqtt_port").toInt(); Serial.println(String(mqtt_port_value)); if( mqtt_port_value < 1 ) mqtt_port_value = 1883; Serial.println("[CALLBACK] saveParamCallback fired "); } void onConnectionEstablished() { Serial.println("connected"); tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK);tft.setTextColor(0xFFFF,0x0000);tft.setCursor(0, 0, 1);tft.println("Waiting for messages ..."); mclient.subscribe(mqtt_topic_value+"_text", [] (const String &payload) { Serial.println(payload); if (SPIFFS.exists(DOWNLOADED_IMG) == true) TJpgDec.drawFsJpg(0, 0, DOWNLOADED_IMG); else tft.fillScreen( TFT_BLACK ); tft.loadFont(AA_FONT_CUBIC); // tft.loadFont(cubic_11); if( payload.length() > 80 ) tft.setTextSize(TXT_SCALE/2); else tft.setTextSize(TXT_SCALE); char *found; short line = 0; int base = 5; int now_base = 0; char * payloads = const_cast ( payload.c_str() ); while( (found = strsep( &payloads , "\n" ) ) != NULL ) { now_base = base + line*14; tft.setTextColor(0x0000);tft.setCursor(base+1, now_base+1);tft.println(found); tft.setTextColor(0xFFFF);tft.setCursor(base, now_base);tft.println(found); line++; } tft.unloadFont(); #ifdef BEEP_PIN if(payload.indexOf("♪") >= 0) tone(BEEP_PIN, 1000, 100); #endif }); mclient.subscribe(mqtt_topic_value+"_bg_url", [] (const String &payload) { Serial.println(payload); bool ret = file_put_contents(payload, DOWNLOADED_IMG); if (SPIFFS.exists(DOWNLOADED_IMG) == true) { TJpgDec.drawFsJpg(0, 0, DOWNLOADED_IMG); } }); } void loop() { mclient.loop(); } bool file_put_contents(String url, String filename) { Serial.println("Downloading " + filename + " from " + url); // Check WiFi connection if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("[HTTP] begin...\n"); WiFiClient client; HTTPClient http; http.setFollowRedirects(HTTPC_STRICT_FOLLOW_REDIRECTS); http.begin(client, url); Serial.print("[HTTP] GET...\n"); int httpCode = http.GET(); if (httpCode > 0) { fs::File f = SPIFFS.open(filename, "w+"); if (!f) { Serial.println("file open failed"); return 0; } Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... code: %d\n", httpCode); if (httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) { int total = http.getSize(); int len = total; uint8_t buff[128] = { 0 }; WiFiClient * stream = http.getStreamPtr(); while (http.connected() && (len > 0 || len == -1)) { size_t size = stream->available(); if (size) { int c = stream->readBytes(buff, ((size > sizeof(buff)) ? sizeof(buff) : size)); f.write(buff, c); if (len > 0) { len -= c; } } yield(); } Serial.println(); Serial.print("[HTTP] connection closed or file end.\n"); } f.close(); } else { Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... failed, error: %s\n", http.errorToString(httpCode).c_str()); Serial.print(httpCode); } http.end(); } return 1; } bool tft_output(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t* bitmap) { if ( y >= tft.height() ) return 0; tft.pushImage(x, y, w, h, bitmap); return 1; } #ifdef ESP32 void tone(byte pin, int freq, int timeout) { ledcSetup(0, 2000, 8); // setup beeper ledcAttachPin(pin, 0); // attach beeper ledcWriteTone(0, freq); // play tone delay(timeout); ledcWriteTone(0, 0); } #endif