# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project platform :ios, '14.0' load 'remove_unsupported_libraries.rb' # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks use_frameworks! def commonPods # Pods for common pod 'Moya', '~> 15.0' pod 'SDWebImageSwiftUI', '~> 2.0.2' pod 'KRProgressHUD', '~> 3.4.7' pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift', '~> 6.5.9' end target 'PushDeer' do commonPods # Pods for PushDeer # PushDeer 独享的依赖, Clip 不支持 pod 'WechatOpenSDK', '~>' pod 'WoodPeckeriOS', :configurations => ['Debug'] end target 'PushDeerClip' do commonPods # Pods for PushDeerClip end target 'PushDeerWidgetExtension' do # Pods for PushDeerWidgetExtension pod 'Moya', '~> 15.0' end # define unsupported pods def unsupported_pods # macCatalyst 不支持的库 ['WoodPeckeriOS', 'WechatOpenSDK'] end def supported_pods # macCatalyst 支持的库 ['Moya', 'SDWebImageSwiftUI', 'KRProgressHUD', 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift'] end # install all pods except unsupported ones post_install do |installer| $verbose = false # remove or set to false to avoid printing installer.configure_support_catalyst(supported_pods, unsupported_pods) end