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import Dispatch
/// Provides `catch` and `recover` to your object that conforms to `Thenable`
public protocol CatchMixin: Thenable
public extension CatchMixin {
The provided closure executes when this promise rejects.
Rejecting a promise cascades: rejecting all subsequent promises (unless
recover is invoked) thus you will typically place your catch at the end
of a chain. Often utility promises will not have a catch, instead
delegating the error handling to the caller.
- Parameter on: The queue to which the provided closure dispatches.
- Parameter policy: The default policy does not execute your handler for cancellation errors.
- Parameter execute: The handler to execute if this promise is rejected.
- Returns: A promise finalizer.
- SeeAlso: [Cancellation](https://github.com/mxcl/PromiseKit/blob/master/Documentation/CommonPatterns.md#cancellation)
func `catch`(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.return, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, policy: CatchPolicy = conf.catchPolicy, _ body: @escaping(Error) -> Void) -> PMKFinalizer {
let finalizer = PMKFinalizer()
pipe {
switch $0 {
case .rejected(let error):
guard policy == .allErrors || !error.isCancelled else {
on.async(flags: flags) {
case .fulfilled:
return finalizer
public class PMKFinalizer {
let pending = Guarantee<Void>.pending()
/// `finally` is the same as `ensure`, but it is not chainable
public func finally(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.return, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ body: @escaping () -> Void) {
pending.guarantee.done(on: on, flags: flags) {
public extension CatchMixin {
The provided closure executes when this promise rejects.
Unlike `catch`, `recover` continues the chain.
Use `recover` in circumstances where recovering the chain from certain errors is a possibility. For example:
firstly {
}.recover { error in
guard error == CLError.unknownLocation else { throw error }
return .value(CLLocation.chicago)
- Parameter on: The queue to which the provided closure dispatches.
- Parameter body: The handler to execute if this promise is rejected.
- SeeAlso: [Cancellation](https://github.com/mxcl/PromiseKit/blob/master/Documentation/CommonPatterns.md#cancellation)
func recover<U: Thenable>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, policy: CatchPolicy = conf.catchPolicy, _ body: @escaping(Error) throws -> U) -> Promise<T> where U.T == T {
let rp = Promise<U.T>(.pending)
pipe {
switch $0 {
case .fulfilled(let value):
case .rejected(let error):
if policy == .allErrors || !error.isCancelled {
on.async(flags: flags) {
do {
let rv = try body(error)
guard rv !== rp else { throw PMKError.returnedSelf }
rv.pipe(to: rp.box.seal)
} catch {
} else {
return rp
The provided closure executes when this promise rejects.
This variant of `recover` requires the handler to return a Guarantee, thus it returns a Guarantee itself and your closure cannot `throw`.
- Note it is logically impossible for this to take a `catchPolicy`, thus `allErrors` are handled.
- Parameter on: The queue to which the provided closure dispatches.
- Parameter body: The handler to execute if this promise is rejected.
- SeeAlso: [Cancellation](https://github.com/mxcl/PromiseKit/blob/master/Documentation/CommonPatterns.md#cancellation)
func recover(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ body: @escaping(Error) -> Guarantee<T>) -> Guarantee<T> {
let rg = Guarantee<T>(.pending)
pipe {
switch $0 {
case .fulfilled(let value):
case .rejected(let error):
on.async(flags: flags) {
body(error).pipe(to: rg.box.seal)
return rg
The provided closure executes when this promise resolves, whether it rejects or not.
firstly {
UIApplication.shared.networkActivityIndicatorVisible = true
}.done {
}.ensure {
UIApplication.shared.networkActivityIndicatorVisible = false
}.catch {
- Parameter on: The queue to which the provided closure dispatches.
- Parameter body: The closure that executes when this promise resolves.
- Returns: A new promise, resolved with this promises resolution.
func ensure(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.return, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ body: @escaping () -> Void) -> Promise<T> {
let rp = Promise<T>(.pending)
pipe { result in
on.async(flags: flags) {
return rp
The provided closure executes when this promise resolves, whether it rejects or not.
The chain waits on the returned `Guarantee<Void>`.
firstly {
}.done {
}.ensureThen {
teardown() // -> Guarante<Void>
}.catch {
- Parameter on: The queue to which the provided closure dispatches.
- Parameter body: The closure that executes when this promise resolves.
- Returns: A new promise, resolved with this promises resolution.
func ensureThen(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.return, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ body: @escaping () -> Guarantee<Void>) -> Promise<T> {
let rp = Promise<T>(.pending)
pipe { result in
on.async(flags: flags) {
body().done {
return rp
Consumes the Swift unused-result warning.
- Note: You should `catch`, but in situations where you know you dont need a `catch`, `cauterize` makes your intentions clear.
func cauterize() -> PMKFinalizer {
return self.catch {
public extension CatchMixin where T == Void {
The provided closure executes when this promise rejects.
This variant of `recover` is specialized for `Void` promises and de-errors your chain returning a `Guarantee`, thus you cannot `throw` and you must handle all errors including cancellation.
- Parameter on: The queue to which the provided closure dispatches.
- Parameter body: The handler to execute if this promise is rejected.
- SeeAlso: [Cancellation](https://github.com/mxcl/PromiseKit/blob/master/Documentation/CommonPatterns.md#cancellation)
func recover(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ body: @escaping(Error) -> Void) -> Guarantee<Void> {
let rg = Guarantee<Void>(.pending)
pipe {
switch $0 {
case .fulfilled:
case .rejected(let error):
on.async(flags: flags) {
return rg
The provided closure executes when this promise rejects.
This variant of `recover` ensures that no error is thrown from the handler and allows specifying a catch policy.
- Parameter on: The queue to which the provided closure dispatches.
- Parameter body: The handler to execute if this promise is rejected.
- SeeAlso: [Cancellation](https://github.com/mxcl/PromiseKit/blob/master/Documentation/CommonPatterns.md#cancellation)
func recover(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, policy: CatchPolicy = conf.catchPolicy, _ body: @escaping(Error) throws -> Void) -> Promise<Void> {
let rg = Promise<Void>(.pending)
pipe {
switch $0 {
case .fulfilled:
case .rejected(let error):
if policy == .allErrors || !error.isCancelled {
on.async(flags: flags) {
do {
rg.box.seal(.fulfilled(try body(error)))
} catch {
} else {
return rg