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import class Foundation.Thread
import Dispatch
A `Guarantee` is a functional abstraction around an asynchronous operation that cannot error.
- See: `Thenable`
public final class Guarantee<T>: Thenable {
let box: PromiseKit.Box<T>
fileprivate init(box: SealedBox<T>) {
self.box = box
/// Returns a `Guarantee` sealed with the provided value.
public static func value(_ value: T) -> Guarantee<T> {
return .init(box: SealedBox(value: value))
/// Returns a pending `Guarantee` that can be resolved with the provided closures parameter.
public init(resolver body: (@escaping(T) -> Void) -> Void) {
box = Box()
/// - See: `Thenable.pipe`
public func pipe(to: @escaping(Result<T>) -> Void) {
pipe{ to(.fulfilled($0)) }
func pipe(to: @escaping(T) -> Void) {
switch box.inspect() {
case .pending:
box.inspect {
switch $0 {
case .pending(let handlers):
case .resolved(let value):
case .resolved(let value):
/// - See: `Thenable.result`
public var result: Result<T>? {
switch box.inspect() {
case .pending:
return nil
case .resolved(let value):
return .fulfilled(value)
final private class Box<T>: EmptyBox<T> {
deinit {
switch inspect() {
case .pending:
case .resolved:
init(_: PMKUnambiguousInitializer) {
box = Box()
/// Returns a tuple of a pending `Guarantee` and a function that resolves it.
public class func pending() -> (guarantee: Guarantee<T>, resolve: (T) -> Void) {
return { ($0, $0.box.seal) }(Guarantee<T>(.pending))
public extension Guarantee {
func done(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.return, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ body: @escaping(T) -> Void) -> Guarantee<Void> {
let rg = Guarantee<Void>(.pending)
pipe { (value: T) in
on.async(flags: flags) {
return rg
func get(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.return, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ body: @escaping (T) -> Void) -> Guarantee<T> {
return map(on: on, flags: flags) {
return $0
func map<U>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ body: @escaping(T) -> U) -> Guarantee<U> {
let rg = Guarantee<U>(.pending)
pipe { value in
on.async(flags: flags) {
return rg
#if swift(>=4) && !swift(>=5.2)
func map<U>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ keyPath: KeyPath<T, U>) -> Guarantee<U> {
let rg = Guarantee<U>(.pending)
pipe { value in
on.async(flags: flags) {
rg.box.seal(value[keyPath: keyPath])
return rg
func then<U>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ body: @escaping(T) -> Guarantee<U>) -> Guarantee<U> {
let rg = Guarantee<U>(.pending)
pipe { value in
on.async(flags: flags) {
body(value).pipe(to: rg.box.seal)
return rg
func asVoid() -> Guarantee<Void> {
return map(on: nil) { _ in }
Blocks this thread, so you know, dont call this on a serial thread that
any part of your chain may use. Like the main thread for example.
func wait() -> T {
if Thread.isMainThread {
var result = value
if result == nil {
let group = DispatchGroup()
pipe { (foo: T) in result = foo; group.leave() }
return result!
public extension Guarantee where T: Sequence {
`Guarantee<[T]>` => `T` -> `U` => `Guarantee<[U]>`
.mapValues { integer in integer * 2 }
.done {
// $0 => [2,4,6]
func mapValues<U>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ transform: @escaping(T.Iterator.Element) -> U) -> Guarantee<[U]> {
return map(on: on, flags: flags) { $0.map(transform) }
#if swift(>=4) && !swift(>=5.2)
`Guarantee<[T]>` => `KeyPath<T, U>` => `Guarantee<[U]>`
Guarantee.value([Person(name: "Max"), Person(name: "Roman"), Person(name: "John")])
.done {
// $0 => ["Max", "Roman", "John"]
func mapValues<U>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ keyPath: KeyPath<T.Iterator.Element, U>) -> Guarantee<[U]> {
return map(on: on, flags: flags) { $0.map { $0[keyPath: keyPath] } }
`Guarantee<[T]>` => `T` -> `[U]` => `Guarantee<[U]>`
.flatMapValues { integer in [integer, integer] }
.done {
// $0 => [1,1,2,2,3,3]
func flatMapValues<U: Sequence>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ transform: @escaping(T.Iterator.Element) -> U) -> Guarantee<[U.Iterator.Element]> {
return map(on: on, flags: flags) { (foo: T) in
foo.flatMap { transform($0) }
`Guarantee<[T]>` => `T` -> `U?` => `Guarantee<[U]>`
.compactMapValues { Int($0) }
.done {
// $0 => [1,2,3]
func compactMapValues<U>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ transform: @escaping(T.Iterator.Element) -> U?) -> Guarantee<[U]> {
return map(on: on, flags: flags) { foo -> [U] in
#if !swift(>=3.3) || (swift(>=4) && !swift(>=4.1))
return foo.flatMap(transform)
return foo.compactMap(transform)
#if swift(>=4) && !swift(>=5.2)
`Guarantee<[T]>` => `KeyPath<T, U?>` => `Guarantee<[U]>`
Guarantee.value([Person(name: "Max"), Person(name: "Roman", age: 26), Person(name: "John", age: 23)])
.done {
// $0 => [26, 23]
func compactMapValues<U>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ keyPath: KeyPath<T.Iterator.Element, U?>) -> Guarantee<[U]> {
return map(on: on, flags: flags) { foo -> [U] in
#if !swift(>=4.1)
return foo.flatMap { $0[keyPath: keyPath] }
return foo.compactMap { $0[keyPath: keyPath] }
`Guarantee<[T]>` => `T` -> `Guarantee<U>` => `Guaranetee<[U]>`
.thenMap { .value($0 * 2) }
.done {
// $0 => [2,4,6]
func thenMap<U>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ transform: @escaping(T.Iterator.Element) -> Guarantee<U>) -> Guarantee<[U]> {
return then(on: on, flags: flags) {
when(fulfilled: $0.map(transform))
}.recover {
// if happens then is bug inside PromiseKit
fatalError(String(describing: $0))
`Guarantee<[T]>` => `T` -> `Guarantee<[U]>` => `Guarantee<[U]>`
.thenFlatMap { integer in .value([integer, integer]) }
.done {
// $0 => [1,1,2,2,3,3]
func thenFlatMap<U: Thenable>(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ transform: @escaping(T.Iterator.Element) -> U) -> Guarantee<[U.T.Iterator.Element]> where U.T: Sequence {
return then(on: on, flags: flags) {
when(fulfilled: $0.map(transform))
}.map(on: nil) {
$0.flatMap { $0 }
}.recover {
// if happens then is bug inside PromiseKit
fatalError(String(describing: $0))
`Guarantee<[T]>` => `T` -> Bool => `Guarantee<[T]>`
.filterValues { $0 > 1 }
.done {
// $0 => [2,3]
func filterValues(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ isIncluded: @escaping(T.Iterator.Element) -> Bool) -> Guarantee<[T.Iterator.Element]> {
return map(on: on, flags: flags) {
#if swift(>=4) && !swift(>=5.2)
`Guarantee<[T]>` => `KeyPath<T, Bool>` => `Guarantee<[T]>`
Guarantee.value([Person(name: "Max"), Person(name: "Roman", age: 26, isStudent: false), Person(name: "John", age: 23, isStudent: true)])
.done {
// $0 => [Person(name: "John", age: 23, isStudent: true)]
func filterValues(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ keyPath: KeyPath<T.Iterator.Element, Bool>) -> Guarantee<[T.Iterator.Element]> {
return map(on: on, flags: flags) {
$0.filter { $0[keyPath: keyPath] }
`Guarantee<[T]>` => (`T`, `T`) -> Bool => `Guarantee<[T]>`
.sortedValues { $0 > $1 }
.done {
// $0 => [5,4,3,2,1]
func sortedValues(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ areInIncreasingOrder: @escaping(T.Iterator.Element, T.Iterator.Element) -> Bool) -> Guarantee<[T.Iterator.Element]> {
return map(on: on, flags: flags) {
$0.sorted(by: areInIncreasingOrder)
public extension Guarantee where T: Sequence, T.Iterator.Element: Comparable {
`Guarantee<[T]>` => `Guarantee<[T]>`
.done {
// $0 => [1,2,3,4,5]
func sortedValues(on: DispatchQueue? = conf.Q.map, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil) -> Guarantee<[T.Iterator.Element]> {
return map(on: on, flags: flags) { $0.sorted() }
#if swift(>=3.1)
public extension Guarantee where T == Void {
convenience init() {
self.init(box: SealedBox(value: Void()))
static var value: Guarantee<Void> {
return .value(Void())
public extension DispatchQueue {
Asynchronously executes the provided closure on a dispatch queue.
DispatchQueue.global().async(.promise) {
}.done { md5 in
- Parameter body: The closure that resolves this promise.
- Returns: A new `Guarantee` resolved by the result of the provided closure.
- Note: There is no Promise/Thenable version of this due to Swift compiler ambiguity issues.
@available(macOS 10.10, iOS 2.0, tvOS 10.0, watchOS 2.0, *)
final func async<T>(_: PMKNamespacer, group: DispatchGroup? = nil, qos: DispatchQoS = .default, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], execute body: @escaping () -> T) -> Guarantee<T> {
let rg = Guarantee<T>(.pending)
async(group: group, qos: qos, flags: flags) {
return rg
#if os(Linux)
import func CoreFoundation._CFIsMainThread
extension Thread {
// `isMainThread` is not implemented yet in swift-corelibs-foundation.
static var isMainThread: Bool {
return _CFIsMainThread()