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import class Foundation.Thread
import Dispatch
A `Promise` is a functional abstraction around a failable asynchronous operation.
- See: `Thenable`
public final class Promise<T>: Thenable, CatchMixin {
let box: Box<Result<T>>
fileprivate init(box: SealedBox<Result<T>>) {
self.box = box
Initialize a new fulfilled promise.
We do not provide `init(value:)` because Swift is greedy
and would pick that initializer in cases where it should pick
one of the other more specific options leading to Promises with
`T` that is eg: `Error` or worse `(T->Void,Error->Void)` for
uses of our PMK < 4 pending initializer due to Swift trailing
closure syntax (nothing good comes without pain!).
Though often easy to detect, sometimes these issues would be
hidden by other type inference leading to some nasty bugs in
In PMK5 we tried to work around this by making the pending
initializer take the form `Promise(.pending)` but this led to
bad migration errors for PMK4 users. Hence instead we quickly
released PMK6 and now only provide this initializer for making
sealed & fulfilled promises.
Usage is still (usually) good:
guard foo else {
return .value(bar)
public static func value(_ value: T) -> Promise<T> {
return Promise(box: SealedBox(value: .fulfilled(value)))
/// Initialize a new rejected promise.
public init(error: Error) {
box = SealedBox(value: .rejected(error))
/// Initialize a new promise bound to the provided `Thenable`.
public init<U: Thenable>(_ bridge: U) where U.T == T {
box = EmptyBox()
bridge.pipe(to: box.seal)
/// Initialize a new promise that can be resolved with the provided `Resolver`.
public init(resolver body: (Resolver<T>) throws -> Void) {
box = EmptyBox()
let resolver = Resolver(box)
do {
try body(resolver)
} catch {
/// - Returns: a tuple of a new pending promise and its `Resolver`.
public class func pending() -> (promise: Promise<T>, resolver: Resolver<T>) {
return { ($0, Resolver($0.box)) }(Promise<T>(.pending))
/// - See: `Thenable.pipe`
public func pipe(to: @escaping(Result<T>) -> Void) {
switch box.inspect() {
case .pending:
box.inspect {
switch $0 {
case .pending(let handlers):
case .resolved(let value):
case .resolved(let value):
/// - See: `Thenable.result`
public var result: Result<T>? {
switch box.inspect() {
case .pending:
return nil
case .resolved(let result):
return result
init(_: PMKUnambiguousInitializer) {
box = EmptyBox()
public extension Promise {
Blocks this thread, soyou knowdont call this on a serial thread that
any part of your chain may use. Like the main thread for example.
func wait() throws -> T {
if Thread.isMainThread {
var result = self.result
if result == nil {
let group = DispatchGroup()
pipe { result = $0; group.leave() }
switch result! {
case .rejected(let error):
throw error
case .fulfilled(let value):
return value
#if swift(>=3.1)
extension Promise where T == Void {
/// Initializes a new promise fulfilled with `Void`
public convenience init() {
self.init(box: SealedBox(value: .fulfilled(Void())))
/// Returns a new promise fulfilled with `Void`
public static var value: Promise<Void> {
return .value(Void())
public extension DispatchQueue {
Asynchronously executes the provided closure on a dispatch queue.
DispatchQueue.global().async(.promise) {
try md5(input)
}.done { md5 in
- Parameter body: The closure that resolves this promise.
- Returns: A new `Promise` resolved by the result of the provided closure.
- Note: There is no Promise/Thenable version of this due to Swift compiler ambiguity issues.
@available(macOS 10.10, iOS 8.0, tvOS 9.0, watchOS 2.0, *)
final func async<T>(_: PMKNamespacer, group: DispatchGroup? = nil, qos: DispatchQoS = .default, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], execute body: @escaping () throws -> T) -> Promise<T> {
let promise = Promise<T>(.pending)
async(group: group, qos: qos, flags: flags) {
do {
promise.box.seal(.fulfilled(try body()))
} catch {
return promise
/// used by our extensions to provide unambiguous functions with the same name as the original function
public enum PMKNamespacer {
case promise
enum PMKUnambiguousInitializer {
case pending