2021-12-23 00:19:55 +08:00

103 lines
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import Dispatch
private func _race<U: Thenable>(_ thenables: [U]) -> Promise<U.T> {
let rp = Promise<U.T>(.pending)
for thenable in thenables {
thenable.pipe(to: rp.box.seal)
return rp
Waits for one promise to resolve
race(promise1, promise2, promise3).then { winner in
- Returns: The promise that resolves first
- Warning: If the first resolution is a rejection, the returned promise is rejected
public func race<U: Thenable>(_ thenables: U...) -> Promise<U.T> {
return _race(thenables)
Waits for one promise to resolve
race(promise1, promise2, promise3).then { winner in
- Returns: The promise that resolves first
- Warning: If the first resolution is a rejection, the returned promise is rejected
- Remark: If the provided array is empty the returned promise is rejected with PMKError.badInput
public func race<U: Thenable>(_ thenables: [U]) -> Promise<U.T> {
guard !thenables.isEmpty else {
return Promise(error: PMKError.badInput)
return _race(thenables)
Waits for one guarantee to resolve
race(promise1, promise2, promise3).then { winner in
- Returns: The guarantee that resolves first
public func race<T>(_ guarantees: Guarantee<T>...) -> Guarantee<T> {
let rg = Guarantee<T>(.pending)
for guarantee in guarantees {
guarantee.pipe(to: rg.box.seal)
return rg
Waits for one promise to fulfill
race(fulfilled: [promise1, promise2, promise3]).then { winner in
- Returns: The promise that was fulfilled first.
- Warning: Skips all rejected promises.
- Remark: If the provided array is empty, the returned promise is rejected with `PMKError.badInput`. If there are no fulfilled promises, the returned promise is rejected with `PMKError.noWinner`.
public func race<U: Thenable>(fulfilled thenables: [U]) -> Promise<U.T> {
var countdown = thenables.count
guard countdown > 0 else {
return Promise(error: PMKError.badInput)
let rp = Promise<U.T>(.pending)
let barrier = DispatchQueue(label: "org.promisekit.barrier.race", attributes: .concurrent)
for promise in thenables {
promise.pipe { result in
barrier.sync(flags: .barrier) {
switch result {
case .rejected:
guard rp.isPending else { return }
countdown -= 1
if countdown == 0 {
case .fulfilled(let value):
guard rp.isPending else { return }
countdown = 0
return rp