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import Foundation
import Dispatch
private func _when<U: Thenable>(_ thenables: [U]) -> Promise<Void> {
var countdown = thenables.count
guard countdown > 0 else {
return .value(Void())
let rp = Promise<Void>(.pending)
#if PMKDisableProgress || os(Linux)
var progress: (completedUnitCount: Int, totalUnitCount: Int) = (0, 0)
let progress = Progress(totalUnitCount: Int64(thenables.count))
progress.isCancellable = false
progress.isPausable = false
let barrier = DispatchQueue(label: "org.promisekit.barrier.when", attributes: .concurrent)
for promise in thenables {
promise.pipe { result in
barrier.sync(flags: .barrier) {
switch result {
case .rejected(let error):
if rp.isPending {
progress.completedUnitCount = progress.totalUnitCount
case .fulfilled:
guard rp.isPending else { return }
progress.completedUnitCount += 1
countdown -= 1
if countdown == 0 {
return rp
Wait for all promises in a set to fulfill.
For example:
when(fulfilled: promise1, promise2).then { results in
}.catch { error in
switch error {
case URLError.notConnectedToInternet:
case CLError.denied:
- Note: If *any* of the provided promises reject, the returned promise is immediately rejected with that error.
- Warning: In the event of rejection the other promises will continue to resolve and, as per any other promise, will either fulfill or reject. This is the right pattern for `getter` style asynchronous tasks, but often for `setter` tasks (eg. storing data on a server), you most likely will need to wait on all tasks and then act based on which have succeeded and which have failed, in such situations use `when(resolved:)`.
- Parameter promises: The promises upon which to wait before the returned promise resolves.
- Returns: A new promise that resolves when all the provided promises fulfill or one of the provided promises rejects.
- Note: `when` provides `NSProgress`.
- SeeAlso: `when(resolved:)`
public func when<U: Thenable>(fulfilled thenables: [U]) -> Promise<[U.T]> {
return _when(thenables).map(on: nil) { thenables.map{ $0.value! } }
/// Wait for all promises in a set to fulfill.
public func when<U: Thenable>(fulfilled promises: U...) -> Promise<Void> where U.T == Void {
return _when(promises)
/// Wait for all promises in a set to fulfill.
public func when<U: Thenable>(fulfilled promises: [U]) -> Promise<Void> where U.T == Void {
return _when(promises)
/// Wait for all promises in a set to fulfill.
public func when<U: Thenable, V: Thenable>(fulfilled pu: U, _ pv: V) -> Promise<(U.T, V.T)> {
return _when([pu.asVoid(), pv.asVoid()]).map(on: nil) { (pu.value!, pv.value!) }
/// Wait for all promises in a set to fulfill.
public func when<U: Thenable, V: Thenable, W: Thenable>(fulfilled pu: U, _ pv: V, _ pw: W) -> Promise<(U.T, V.T, W.T)> {
return _when([pu.asVoid(), pv.asVoid(), pw.asVoid()]).map(on: nil) { (pu.value!, pv.value!, pw.value!) }
/// Wait for all promises in a set to fulfill.
public func when<U: Thenable, V: Thenable, W: Thenable, X: Thenable>(fulfilled pu: U, _ pv: V, _ pw: W, _ px: X) -> Promise<(U.T, V.T, W.T, X.T)> {
return _when([pu.asVoid(), pv.asVoid(), pw.asVoid(), px.asVoid()]).map(on: nil) { (pu.value!, pv.value!, pw.value!, px.value!) }
/// Wait for all promises in a set to fulfill.
public func when<U: Thenable, V: Thenable, W: Thenable, X: Thenable, Y: Thenable>(fulfilled pu: U, _ pv: V, _ pw: W, _ px: X, _ py: Y) -> Promise<(U.T, V.T, W.T, X.T, Y.T)> {
return _when([pu.asVoid(), pv.asVoid(), pw.asVoid(), px.asVoid(), py.asVoid()]).map(on: nil) { (pu.value!, pv.value!, pw.value!, px.value!, py.value!) }
Generate promises at a limited rate and wait for all to fulfill.
For example:
func downloadFile(url: URL) -> Promise<Data> {
// ...
let urls: [URL] = /**/
let urlGenerator = urls.makeIterator()
let generator = AnyIterator<Promise<Data>> {
guard url = urlGenerator.next() else {
return nil
return downloadFile(url)
when(generator, concurrently: 3).done { datas in
// ...
No more than three downloads will occur simultaneously.
- Note: The generator is called *serially* on a *background* queue.
- Warning: Refer to the warnings on `when(fulfilled:)`
- Parameter promiseGenerator: Generator of promises.
- Returns: A new promise that resolves when all the provided promises fulfill or one of the provided promises rejects.
- SeeAlso: `when(resolved:)`
public func when<It: IteratorProtocol>(fulfilled promiseIterator: It, concurrently: Int) -> Promise<[It.Element.T]> where It.Element: Thenable {
guard concurrently > 0 else {
return Promise(error: PMKError.badInput)
var generator = promiseIterator
let root = Promise<[It.Element.T]>.pending()
var pendingPromises = 0
var promises: [It.Element] = []
let barrier = DispatchQueue(label: "org.promisekit.barrier.when", attributes: [.concurrent])
func dequeue() {
guard root.promise.isPending else { return } // dont continue dequeueing if root has been rejected
var shouldDequeue = false
barrier.sync {
shouldDequeue = pendingPromises < concurrently
guard shouldDequeue else { return }
var promise: It.Element!
barrier.sync(flags: .barrier) {
guard let next = generator.next() else { return }
promise = next
pendingPromises += 1
func testDone() {
barrier.sync {
if pendingPromises == 0 {
#if !swift(>=3.3) || (swift(>=4) && !swift(>=4.1))
root.resolver.fulfill(promises.flatMap{ $0.value })
root.resolver.fulfill(promises.compactMap{ $0.value })
guard promise != nil else {
return testDone()
promise.pipe { resolution in
barrier.sync(flags: .barrier) {
pendingPromises -= 1
switch resolution {
case .fulfilled:
case .rejected(let error):
return root.promise
Waits on all provided promises.
`when(fulfilled:)` rejects as soon as one of the provided promises rejects. `when(resolved:)` waits on all provided promises whatever their result, and then provides an array of `Result<T>` so you can individually inspect the results. As a consequence this function returns a `Guarantee`, ie. errors are lifted from the individual promises into the results array of the returned `Guarantee`.
when(resolved: promise1, promise2, promise3).then { results in
for result in results where case .fulfilled(let value) {
}.catch { error in
// invalid! Never rejects
- Returns: A new promise that resolves once all the provided promises resolve. The array is ordered the same as the input, ie. the result order is *not* resolution order.
- Note: we do not provide tuple variants for `when(resolved:)` but will accept a pull-request
- Remark: Doesn't take Thenable due to protocol `associatedtype` paradox
public func when<T>(resolved promises: Promise<T>...) -> Guarantee<[Result<T>]> {
return when(resolved: promises)
/// - See: `when(resolved: Promise<T>...)`
public func when<T>(resolved promises: [Promise<T>]) -> Guarantee<[Result<T>]> {
guard !promises.isEmpty else {
return .value([])
var countdown = promises.count
let barrier = DispatchQueue(label: "org.promisekit.barrier.join", attributes: .concurrent)
let rg = Guarantee<[Result<T>]>(.pending)
for promise in promises {
promise.pipe { result in
barrier.sync(flags: .barrier) {
countdown -= 1
barrier.sync {
if countdown == 0 {
rg.box.seal(promises.map{ $0.result! })
return rg
Generate promises at a limited rate and wait for all to resolve.
For example:
func downloadFile(url: URL) -> Promise<Data> {
// ...
let urls: [URL] = /**/
let urlGenerator = urls.makeIterator()
let generator = AnyIterator<Promise<Data>> {
guard url = urlGenerator.next() else {
return nil
return downloadFile(url)
when(resolved: generator, concurrently: 3).done { results in
// ...
No more than three downloads will occur simultaneously. Downloads will continue if one of them fails
- Note: The generator is called *serially* on a *background* queue.
- Warning: Refer to the warnings on `when(resolved:)`
- Parameter promiseGenerator: Generator of promises.
- Returns: A new promise that resolves once all the provided promises resolve. The array is ordered the same as the input, ie. the result order is *not* resolution order.
- SeeAlso: `when(resolved:)`
#if swift(>=5.3)
public func when<It: IteratorProtocol>(resolved promiseIterator: It, concurrently: Int)
-> Guarantee<[Result<It.Element.T>]> where It.Element: Thenable {
guard concurrently > 0 else {
return Guarantee.value([Result.rejected(PMKError.badInput)])
var generator = promiseIterator
let root = Guarantee<[Result<It.Element.T>]>.pending()
var pendingPromises = 0
var promises: [It.Element] = []
let barrier = DispatchQueue(label: "org.promisekit.barrier.when", attributes: [.concurrent])
func dequeue() {
guard root.guarantee.isPending else {
} // dont continue dequeueing if root has been rejected
var shouldDequeue = false
barrier.sync {
shouldDequeue = pendingPromises < concurrently
guard shouldDequeue else {
var promise: It.Element!
barrier.sync(flags: .barrier) {
guard let next = generator.next() else {
promise = next
pendingPromises += 1
func testDone() {
barrier.sync {
if pendingPromises == 0 {
#if !swift(>=3.3) || (swift(>=4) && !swift(>=4.1))
root.resolve(promises.flatMap { $0.result })
root.resolve(promises.compactMap { $0.result })
guard promise != nil else {
return testDone()
promise.pipe { _ in
barrier.sync(flags: .barrier) {
pendingPromises -= 1
return root.guarantee
/// Waits on all provided Guarantees.
public func when(_ guarantees: Guarantee<Void>...) -> Guarantee<Void> {
return when(guarantees: guarantees)
// Waits on all provided Guarantees.
public func when(guarantees: [Guarantee<Void>]) -> Guarantee<Void> {
return when(fulfilled: guarantees).recover{ _ in }.asVoid()