
28 lines
792 B

package com.pushdeer.os.ui.theme
import androidx.compose.material.Typography
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.FontFamily
import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.FontWeight
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp
// Set of Material typography styles to start with
val Typography = Typography(
body1 = TextStyle(
fontFamily = FontFamily.Default,
fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
fontSize = 16.sp
/* Other default text styles to override
button = TextStyle(
fontFamily = FontFamily.Default,
fontWeight = FontWeight.W500,
fontSize = 14.sp
caption = TextStyle(
fontFamily = FontFamily.Default,
fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
fontSize = 12.sp