# WireGuard Easy ## Usage ```bash $ docker run \ --name wg-easy \ --mount type=bind,source=~/.wg-easy,target=/etc/wireguard \ --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ --cap-add=SYS_MODULE \ --sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" \ --restart=unless-stopped \ -p 51820:51820/udp \ -p 51821:51821/tcp \ weejewel/wg-easy ``` The Web UI will be available on ``. By default, it doesn't require a password. > Configuration files will be stored in `~/.wg-easy/` on your host. ## Options Set options by appending them to the `docker run` command. For example, add `--env PASSWORD=foobar123` to set a password. | Env | Default | Example | Description | | - | - | - | - | | `WG_HOST` | - | `vpn.myserver.com` | The public hostname of your VPN server | | `WG_PORT` | `51820` | `51820` | The public UDP port of your VPN server | | `PASSWORD` | - | `foobar123` | When set, requires a password when logging in to the Web UI. | | `WG_DEFAULT_ADDRESS` | `10.8.0.x` | `10.6.0.x` | Clients IP address range | | `WG_DEFAULT_DNS` | `` | `,` | DNS server clients will use | > If you change `WG_PORT`, make sure to also change the exposed port in the `docker run` command.