--- title: NoticeIcon subtitle: Notification Menu cols: 1 order: 9 --- 用在导航工具栏上,作为整个产品统一的通知中心。 ## API Property | Description | Type | Default ----|------|-----|------ count | Total number of messages | number | - bell | Change the bell Icon | ReactNode | `` loading | Popup card loading status | boolean | `false` onClear | Click to clear button the callback | function(tabName) | - onItemClick | Click on the list item's callback | function(item, tabProps) | - onLoadMore | Callback of click for loading more | function(tabProps, event) | - onPopupVisibleChange | Popup Card Showing or Hiding Callbacks | function(visible) | - onTabChange | Switching callbacks for tabs | function(tabTitle) | - popupVisible | Popup card display state | boolean | - locale | Default message text | Object | `{ emptyText: 'No notifications', clear: 'Clear', loadedAll: 'Loaded', loadMore: 'Loading more' }` clearClose | Close menu after clear | boolean | `false` ### NoticeIcon.Tab Property | Description | Type | Default ----|------|-----|------ count | Unread messages count of this tab | number | list.length emptyText | Message text when list is empty | ReactNode | - emptyImage | Image when list is empty | string | - list | List data, format refer to the following table | Array | `[]` loadedAll | All messages have been loaded | boolean | `true` loading | Loading status of this tab | boolean | `false` name | identifier for message Tab | string | - scrollToLoad | Scroll to load | boolean | `true` skeletonCount | Number of skeleton when tab is loading | number | `5` skeletonProps | Props of skeleton | SkeletonProps | `{}` showClear | Clear button display status | boolean | `true` title | header for message Tab | string | - ### Tab data Property | Description | Type | Default ----|------|-----|------ avatar | avatar img url | string \| ReactNode | - title | title | ReactNode | - description | description info | ReactNode | - datetime | Timestamps | ReactNode | - extra | Additional information in the upper right corner of the list item | ReactNode | - clickClose | Close menu after clicking list item | boolean | `false`