mirror of https://github.com/chillzhuang/Sword synced 2024-10-05 19:14:07 +08:00
2019-02-13 17:16:39 +08:00

120 lines
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// https://umijs.org/config/
import os from 'os';
import pageRoutes from './router.config';
import webpackPlugin from './plugin.config';
import defaultSettings from '../src/defaultSettings';
import slash from 'slash2';
const { pwa, primaryColor } = defaultSettings;
const plugins = [
antd: true,
dva: {
hmr: true,
locale: {
enable: true, // default false
default: 'zh-CN', // default zh-CN
baseNavigator: true, // default true, when it is true, will use `navigator.language` overwrite default
dynamicImport: {
loadingComponent: './components/PageLoading/index',
webpackChunkName: true,
pwa: pwa
? {
workboxPluginMode: 'InjectManifest',
workboxOptions: {
importWorkboxFrom: 'local',
: {},
...(!process.env.TEST && os.platform() === 'darwin'
? {
dll: {
include: ['dva', 'dva/router', 'dva/saga', 'dva/fetch'],
exclude: ['@babel/runtime'],
hardSource: false,
: {}),
// 针对 preview.pro.ant.design 的 GA 统计代码
// 业务上不需要这个
if (process.env.APP_TYPE === 'site') {
code: 'UA-72788897-6',
export default {
// add for transfer to umi
history: 'hash',
define: {
APP_TYPE: process.env.APP_TYPE || '',
treeShaking: true,
targets: {
ie: 11,
// 路由配置
routes: pageRoutes,
// Theme for antd
// https://ant.design/docs/react/customize-theme-cn
theme: {
'primary-color': primaryColor,
externals: {
'@antv/data-set': 'DataSet',
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: { '^/api': '' },
ignoreMomentLocale: true,
lessLoaderOptions: {
javascriptEnabled: true,
disableRedirectHoist: true,
cssLoaderOptions: {
modules: true,
getLocalIdent: (context, localIdentName, localName) => {
if (
context.resourcePath.includes('node_modules') ||
context.resourcePath.includes('ant.design.pro.less') ||
) {
return localName;
const match = context.resourcePath.match(/src(.*)/);
if (match && match[1]) {
const antdProPath = match[1].replace('.less', '');
const arr = slash(antdProPath)
.map(a => a.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1'))
.map(a => a.toLowerCase());
return `antd-pro${arr.join('-')}-${localName}`.replace(/--/g, '-');
return localName;
manifest: {
basePath: '/',
chainWebpack: webpackPlugin,