forked from lxh/go-wxhelper

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="h-full bg-gray-100">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
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<body class="h-full">
<div class="min-h-full flex items-center justify-center">
<div class="overflow-hidden rounded-xl border border-gray-200">
<div class="flex items -center gap-x-4 border-b border-gray-900/5 bg-gray-50 p-6">
<img src="assets/img/status-{{ if eq .info.IsOk true }}ok{{else}}fail{{end}}.png" alt="Tuple"
class="h-12 w-12 flex-none rounded-lg bg-white object-cover ring-1 ring-gray-900/10">
<div class="text-sm flex-1">
<div class="font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900">{{ .info.Nickname }}</div>
<div class="font-medium text-gray-500">{{ .info.Wxid }}</div>
{{ template "flagTag" .info.IsOk }}
<!-- <button type="button" class="btn-link float-end text-red-600" onclick="getGroupUsers({{.info.Wxid}}, {{.info.Nickname}})">群成员</button>-->
<dl class="-my-3 divide-y divide-gray-100 px-6 py-4 text-sm leading-6">
<!-- 最后活跃时间 -->
<div class="flex justify-between gap-x-4 py-3 items-center">
<dt class="text-gray-500">最后活跃时间</dt>
<dd class="flex items-start gap-x-2">
{{ if eq .info.LastActive.IsNil true }}
{{ else }}
<time datetime="{{ .LastActive }}">{{ .info.LastActive }}</time>
{{ end }}
<!-- AI -->
<div class="flex justify-between gap-x-4 py-3 items-center">
<dt class="text-gray-500">AI(模型可选默认或者指定模型)</dt>
<dd class="flex items-start gap-x-2 items-center">
{{ template "ai" .info }}
{{ if eq .info.EnableAi true }}
<div class="float-end">
<select class="block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 pl-3 pr-10 text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-green-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6" onchange="aiModelChange(event, {{.info.Wxid}})">
{{$useModel := .info.AiModel}}
{{ range $.aiModels }}
<option value="{{.Model}}" {{ if eq $useModel .Model}}selected{{ end }} {{ if not .CanManager}}disabled{{ end }}>
{{ end }}
<div class="float-end mt-1">
class="block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 pl-3 pr-10 text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-green-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6"
onchange="aiAssistantChange(event, {{.info.Wxid}})">
<option value="" {{ if eq .info.Prompt
"" }}selected{{ end }}>默认</option>
{{$usePrompt := .info.Prompt}}
{{ range $.assistant }}
<option value="{{.Id}}" {{ if eq $usePrompt .Id}}selected{{ end }}>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- 今日 AI 对话已使用次数 -->
<div class="flex justify-between gap-x-4 py-3 items-center">
<dt class="text-gray-500">今日 AI 对话已使用次数</dt>
<dd class="flex items-start gap-x-2">
{{ .info.AiUsedToday }}次(限制{{ .info.AiFreeLimit }}次)
{{$isGroup := checkIsGroup .info.Wxid}}
{{ if eq $isGroup true }}
<!-- 水群排行榜 -->
<div class="flex justify-between gap-x-4 py-3 items-center">
<dt class="text-gray-500">
<span class="text-red-300">* 每天早上七点半定时发送</span>
<dd class="flex items-start gap-x-2">
{{ template "chatRank" .info }}
<!-- 群聊总结 -->
<div class="flex justify-between gap-x-4 py-3 items-center">
<dt class="text-gray-500">
<span class="text-red-300">* 每天0点30定时发送</span>
<dd class="flex items-start gap-x-2">
{{ template "summary" .info }}
<!-- 迎新 -->
<div class="flex justify-between gap-x-4 py-3 items-center">
<dt class="text-gray-500">迎新</dt>
<dd class="flex items-start gap-x-2">
{{ template "welcome" .info }}
{{ end }}
<!-- 早报 -->
<div class="flex justify-between gap-x-4 py-3 items-center">
<dt class="text-gray-500">
<span class="text-red-300">* 每天早上八点定时发送</span>
<dd class="flex items-start gap-x-2">
{{ template "news" .info }}
<!-- 热榜 -->
<!-- <div class="flex justify-between gap-x-4 py-3 items-center">-->
<!-- <dt class="text-gray-500">-->
<!-- 热榜-->
<!-- <br/>-->
<!-- <span class="text-red-300">* 每个整点定时发送</span>-->
<!-- </dt>-->
<!-- <dd class="flex items-start gap-x-2">-->
<!-- {{ template "hotTop" .info }}-->
<!-- </dd>-->
<!-- </div>-->
{{ if eq $isGroup true }}
<!-- 自动清理不活跃成员 -->
<div class="flex justify-between gap-x-4 py-3 items-center">
<dt class="text-gray-500">
末位淘汰(需要机器人是<span class="text-red-500">管理员</span>)
<span class="text-red-300">* 清理多少天不说话的成员0表示不清理</span>
<dd class="flex items-start gap-x-2 items-center">
<div class="relative rounded-md">
<input type="number" id="auto-cm-{{ .Wxid }}" min="0" class="block w-1/2 float-end rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6" placeholder="N天不活跃自动移除"
onblur="changeClearMember({{.info.Wxid}}, {{.info.ClearMember}}, this.value)"
<div class="pointer-events-none absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-3">
<span class="text-gray-500 sm:text-sm" id="price-currency"></span>
{{ end }}