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// Copyright(c) 2015-present, Gabi Melman & spdlog contributors.
// Distributed under the MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
#pragma once
// Thread safe logger (except for set_error_handler())
// Has name, log level, vector of std::shared sink pointers and formatter
// Upon each log write the logger:
// 1. Checks if its log level is enough to log the message and if yes:
// 2. Call the underlying sinks to do the job.
// 3. Each sink use its own private copy of a formatter to format the message
// and send to its destination.
// The use of private formatter per sink provides the opportunity to cache some
// formatted data, and support for different format per sink.
#include <spdlog/common.h>
#include <spdlog/details/backtracer.h>
#include <spdlog/details/log_msg.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#error SPDLOG_WCHAR_TO_UTF8_SUPPORT only supported on windows
#include <spdlog/details/os.h>
#include <vector>
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_CATCH(location) \
catch (const std::exception &ex) { \
if (location.filename) { \
err_handler_(fmt_lib::format(SPDLOG_FMT_STRING("{} [{}({})]"), ex.what(), \
location.filename, location.line)); \
} else { \
err_handler_(ex.what()); \
} \
} \
catch (...) { \
err_handler_("Rethrowing unknown exception in logger"); \
throw; \
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_CATCH(location)
namespace spdlog {
class SPDLOG_API logger {
// Empty logger
explicit logger(std::string name)
: name_(std::move(name)),
sinks_() {}
// Logger with range on sinks
template <typename It>
logger(std::string name, It begin, It end)
: name_(std::move(name)),
sinks_(begin, end) {}
// Logger with single sink
logger(std::string name, sink_ptr single_sink)
: logger(std::move(name), {std::move(single_sink)}) {}
// Logger with sinks init list
logger(std::string name, sinks_init_list sinks)
: logger(std::move(name), sinks.begin(), sinks.end()) {}
virtual ~logger() = default;
logger(const logger &other);
logger(logger &&other) SPDLOG_NOEXCEPT;
logger &operator=(logger other) SPDLOG_NOEXCEPT;
void swap(spdlog::logger &other) SPDLOG_NOEXCEPT;
template <typename... Args>
void log(source_loc loc, level::level_enum lvl, format_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log_(loc, lvl, details::to_string_view(fmt), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void log(level::level_enum lvl, format_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(source_loc{}, lvl, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T>
void log(level::level_enum lvl, const T &msg) {
log(source_loc{}, lvl, msg);
// T cannot be statically converted to format string (including string_view/wstring_view)
template <class T,
typename std::enable_if<!is_convertible_to_any_format_string<const T &>::value,
int>::type = 0>
void log(source_loc loc, level::level_enum lvl, const T &msg) {
log(loc, lvl, "{}", msg);
void log(log_clock::time_point log_time,
source_loc loc,
level::level_enum lvl,
string_view_t msg) {
bool log_enabled = should_log(lvl);
bool traceback_enabled = tracer_.enabled();
if (!log_enabled && !traceback_enabled) {
details::log_msg log_msg(log_time, loc, name_, lvl, msg);
log_it_(log_msg, log_enabled, traceback_enabled);
void log(source_loc loc, level::level_enum lvl, string_view_t msg) {
bool log_enabled = should_log(lvl);
bool traceback_enabled = tracer_.enabled();
if (!log_enabled && !traceback_enabled) {
details::log_msg log_msg(loc, name_, lvl, msg);
log_it_(log_msg, log_enabled, traceback_enabled);
void log(level::level_enum lvl, string_view_t msg) { log(source_loc{}, lvl, msg); }
template <typename... Args>
void trace(format_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::trace, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void debug(format_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::debug, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void info(format_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::info, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void warn(format_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::warn, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void error(format_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::err, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void critical(format_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::critical, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void log(source_loc loc, level::level_enum lvl, wformat_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log_(loc, lvl, details::to_string_view(fmt), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void log(level::level_enum lvl, wformat_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(source_loc{}, lvl, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
void log(log_clock::time_point log_time,
source_loc loc,
level::level_enum lvl,
wstring_view_t msg) {
bool log_enabled = should_log(lvl);
bool traceback_enabled = tracer_.enabled();
if (!log_enabled && !traceback_enabled) {
memory_buf_t buf;
details::os::wstr_to_utf8buf(wstring_view_t(msg.data(), msg.size()), buf);
details::log_msg log_msg(log_time, loc, name_, lvl, string_view_t(buf.data(), buf.size()));
log_it_(log_msg, log_enabled, traceback_enabled);
void log(source_loc loc, level::level_enum lvl, wstring_view_t msg) {
bool log_enabled = should_log(lvl);
bool traceback_enabled = tracer_.enabled();
if (!log_enabled && !traceback_enabled) {
memory_buf_t buf;
details::os::wstr_to_utf8buf(wstring_view_t(msg.data(), msg.size()), buf);
details::log_msg log_msg(loc, name_, lvl, string_view_t(buf.data(), buf.size()));
log_it_(log_msg, log_enabled, traceback_enabled);
void log(level::level_enum lvl, wstring_view_t msg) { log(source_loc{}, lvl, msg); }
template <typename... Args>
void trace(wformat_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::trace, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void debug(wformat_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::debug, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void info(wformat_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::info, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void warn(wformat_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::warn, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void error(wformat_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::err, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
void critical(wformat_string_t<Args...> fmt, Args &&...args) {
log(level::critical, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T>
void trace(const T &msg) {
log(level::trace, msg);
template <typename T>
void debug(const T &msg) {
log(level::debug, msg);
template <typename T>
void info(const T &msg) {
log(level::info, msg);
template <typename T>
void warn(const T &msg) {
log(level::warn, msg);
template <typename T>
void error(const T &msg) {
log(level::err, msg);
template <typename T>
void critical(const T &msg) {
log(level::critical, msg);
// return true logging is enabled for the given level.
bool should_log(level::level_enum msg_level) const {
return msg_level >= level_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// return true if backtrace logging is enabled.
bool should_backtrace() const { return tracer_.enabled(); }
void set_level(level::level_enum log_level);
level::level_enum level() const;
const std::string &name() const;
// set formatting for the sinks in this logger.
// each sink will get a separate instance of the formatter object.
void set_formatter(std::unique_ptr<formatter> f);
// set formatting for the sinks in this logger.
// equivalent to
// set_formatter(make_unique<pattern_formatter>(pattern, time_type))
// Note: each sink will get a new instance of a formatter object, replacing the old one.
void set_pattern(std::string pattern, pattern_time_type time_type = pattern_time_type::local);
// backtrace support.
// efficiently store all debug/trace messages in a circular buffer until needed for debugging.
void enable_backtrace(size_t n_messages);
void disable_backtrace();
void dump_backtrace();
// flush functions
void flush();
void flush_on(level::level_enum log_level);
level::level_enum flush_level() const;
// sinks
const std::vector<sink_ptr> &sinks() const;
std::vector<sink_ptr> &sinks();
// error handler
void set_error_handler(err_handler);
// create new logger with same sinks and configuration.
virtual std::shared_ptr<logger> clone(std::string logger_name);
std::string name_;
std::vector<sink_ptr> sinks_;
spdlog::level_t level_{level::info};
spdlog::level_t flush_level_{level::off};
err_handler custom_err_handler_{nullptr};
details::backtracer tracer_;
// common implementation for after templated public api has been resolved
template <typename... Args>
void log_(source_loc loc, level::level_enum lvl, string_view_t fmt, Args &&...args) {
bool log_enabled = should_log(lvl);
bool traceback_enabled = tracer_.enabled();
if (!log_enabled && !traceback_enabled) {
memory_buf_t buf;
fmt_lib::vformat_to(std::back_inserter(buf), fmt, fmt_lib::make_format_args(args...));
fmt::vformat_to(fmt::appender(buf), fmt, fmt::make_format_args(args...));
details::log_msg log_msg(loc, name_, lvl, string_view_t(buf.data(), buf.size()));
log_it_(log_msg, log_enabled, traceback_enabled);
template <typename... Args>
void log_(source_loc loc, level::level_enum lvl, wstring_view_t fmt, Args &&...args) {
bool log_enabled = should_log(lvl);
bool traceback_enabled = tracer_.enabled();
if (!log_enabled && !traceback_enabled) {
// format to wmemory_buffer and convert to utf8
wmemory_buf_t wbuf;
fmt_lib::vformat_to(std::back_inserter(wbuf), fmt,
memory_buf_t buf;
details::os::wstr_to_utf8buf(wstring_view_t(wbuf.data(), wbuf.size()), buf);
details::log_msg log_msg(loc, name_, lvl, string_view_t(buf.data(), buf.size()));
log_it_(log_msg, log_enabled, traceback_enabled);
// log the given message (if the given log level is high enough),
// and save backtrace (if backtrace is enabled).
void log_it_(const details::log_msg &log_msg, bool log_enabled, bool traceback_enabled);
virtual void sink_it_(const details::log_msg &msg);
virtual void flush_();
void dump_backtrace_();
bool should_flush_(const details::log_msg &msg);
// handle errors during logging.
// default handler prints the error to stderr at max rate of 1 message/sec.
void err_handler_(const std::string &msg);
void swap(logger &a, logger &b);
} // namespace spdlog
#include "logger-inl.h"