
This commit is contained in:
LuChao 2024-03-21 20:33:05 +08:00
parent 89a7fc8196
commit 006bc9dac3
2 changed files with 117 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ const main = async () => {
// server.listen(wsPort, () => { // server.listen(wsPort, () => {
// console.log(`Server listening on port ${wsPort}`) // console.log(`Server listening on port ${wsPort}`)
// }) // })
const testContact0 = 'filehelper'
const testContact1 = 'ledongmao'
const testRoom = '1234@chatroom'
const testRoom1 = '5678@chatroom'
const checkLoginRes = await wxhelper.checkLogin() const checkLoginRes = await wxhelper.checkLogin()
console.log('登录状态:', checkLoginRes.data) console.log('登录状态:', checkLoginRes.data)
if (checkLoginRes.data.msg !== 'success') { if (checkLoginRes.data.msg !== 'success') {
@ -52,8 +57,81 @@ const main = async () => {
} }
const userInfoRes = await wxhelper.userInfo() const userInfoRes = await wxhelper.userInfo()
console.log('当前账号信息:', userInfoRes.data) console.log('当前账号信息:', userInfoRes.data)
const sendTextMsgRes = await wxhelper.sendTextMsg('filehelper', new Date().toLocaleString() + ':你好,我是机器人') const selfWxid = userInfoRes.data.data.wxid
console.log('发送文本消息:', sendTextMsgRes.data) console.log('当前账号wxid', selfWxid)
// const sendTextMsgRes = await wxhelper.sendTextMsg('filehelper', new Date().toLocaleString() + ':你好,我是机器人')
// console.log('发送文本消息:', sendTextMsgRes.data)
// const getContactListRes = await wxhelper.getContactList()
// console.log('获取联系人列表:', getContactListRes.data.data.length)
// const getDBInfo = await wxhelper.getDBInfo()
// console.log('获取数据库信息:', getDBInfo.data)
// const sqliteDB = await wxhelper.execSql(2737761293968, 'select * from MSG where localId =301;')
// console.log('查询数据库:', sqliteDB.data)
// const roomInfoRes = await wxhelper.getChatRoomDetailInfo(testRoom1)
// console.log('获取群聊详情:', roomInfoRes.data)
// const addMemberToChatRoomRes = await wxhelper.addMemberToChatRoom(testRoom, testContact1)
// console.log('添加群成员:', addMemberToChatRoomRes.data)
// const modifyChatRoomNameRes = await wxhelper.modifyNickname(testRoom, selfWxid, '大师')
// console.log('修改自己的群名片:', modifyChatRoomNameRes.data)
// const delMemberFromChatRoomRes = await wxhelper.delMemberFromChatRoom(testRoom, testContact1)
// console.log('删除群成员:', delMemberFromChatRoomRes.data)
// const getChatRoomMembersRes = await wxhelper.getMemberFromChatRoom(testRoom)
// console.log('获取群成员:', getChatRoomMembersRes.data)
// const quitChatRoomRes = await wxhelper.quitChatRoom(testRoom1)
// console.log('退出群聊:', quitChatRoomRes.data)
// const getSNSFirstPage = await wxhelper.getSNSFirstPage()
// console.log('获取朋友圈:', getSNSFirstPage.data)
// const getSNSNextPage = await wxhelper.getSNSNextPage()
// console.log('获取朋友圈下一页:', getSNSNextPage.data)
// const sendAtTextMsgRes = await wxhelper.sendAtText(testContact1, testRoom, '你好,我是机器人')
// console.log('发送@消息:', sendAtTextMsgRes.data)
// const getContactProfileRes = await wxhelper.getContactProfile(testContact1)
// console.log('获取联系人详情:', getContactProfileRes.data)
// const param = {
// appName: '123',
// userName: '超哥',
// title: '测试转发公众号消息',
// url: 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIwMzYwMTk1NA==&mid=2247483663&idx=1&sn=',
// thumbUrl: 'https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/3ic3Zz3',
// digest: '测试',
// wxid: testContact1,
// }
// const forwardPublicMsgRes = await wxhelper.forwardPublicMsg(param)
// console.log('转发公众号消息:', forwardPublicMsgRes.data)
// const payload = {
// "wxid": testContact1,
// "waidConcat": "wxaf35009675aa0b2a_118",
// "waid": "wxaf35009675aa0b2a",
// "appletWxid": "gh_7a5c4141778f@app",
// "jsonParam": "{\"current_path\":\"home/pages/index.html\",\"current_title\":\"\",\"image_url\":\"https://ut-static.udache.com/webx/mini-pics/U7mDFxU2yh-2-r1BJ-J0X.png\",\"scene\":1001,\"scene_note\":\"\",\"sessionId\":\"SessionId@1672284921_1#1692848476899\"}",
// "headImgUrl": "http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/sz_mmbiz_png/9n47wQlh4dH8afD9dQ9uQicibRm5mYz3lawXCLMjmnzFicribH51qsFYxjzPEcTGHGmgX4lkAkQ3jznia8UDEtqsX1w/640?wx_fmt=png&wxfrom=200",
// "mainImg": "C:\\wxid_123123\\Applet\\wxaf35009675aa0b2a\\temp\\2.png",
// "indexPage": "pages/index/index.html"
// }
// const sendAppMsgRes = await wxhelper.sendApplet(payload)
// console.log('发送小程序消息:', sendAppMsgRes.data)
// const sendPatMsgRes = await wxhelper.sendPatMsg(testRoom1, testContact1)
// console.log('拍一拍:', sendPatMsgRes.data)
// const ocrRes = await wxhelper.ocr('https://ut-static.udache.com/webx/mini-pics/U7mDFxU2yh-2-r1BJ-J0X.png')
// console.log('OCR识别', ocrRes.data)
} }
void main() void main()

View File

@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ export const getSNSNextPage = (snsId: string) => {
export const addFavFromMsg = (msgId: string) => { export const addFavFromMsg = (msgId: string) => {
return post('/api/addFavFromMsg', { msgId }) return post('/api/addFavFromMsg', { msgId })
} }
// def addFavFromImage(): // def addFavFromImage():
// print("modify wxid imagePath ") // print("modify wxid imagePath ")
// raise RuntimeError("modify wxid imagePath then deleted me") // raise RuntimeError("modify wxid imagePath then deleted me")
@ -497,8 +497,16 @@ export const sendAtText = (wxids: string, chatRoomId: string, msg: string) => {
// response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) // response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
// print(response.text) // print(response.text)
export const forwardPublicMsg = (appName: string, userName: string, title: string, url: string, thumbUrl: string, digest: string, wxid: string) => { export const forwardPublicMsg = (param: {
return post('/api/forwardPublicMsg', { appName, userName, title, url, thumbUrl, digest, wxid }) appName: string;
userName: string;
title: string;
url: string;
thumbUrl: string;
digest: string;
wxid: string
}) => {
return post('/api/forwardPublicMsg', param)
} }
// def forwardPublicMsgByMsgId(): // def forwardPublicMsgByMsgId():
@ -581,3 +589,29 @@ export const decodeImage = (filePath: string, storeDir: string) => {
export const getVoiceByMsgId = (msgId: number, storeDir: string) => { export const getVoiceByMsgId = (msgId: number, storeDir: string) => {
return post('/api/getVoiceByMsgId', { msgId, storeDir }) return post('/api/getVoiceByMsgId', { msgId, storeDir })
} }
// /api/sendApplet
export const sendApplet = (param: {
wxid: string
waidConcat: string
appletWxid: string
jsonParam: string
headImgUrl: string
mainImg: string
indexPage: string
}) => {
return post('/api/sendApplet', param)
// /api/sendPatMsg
export const sendPatMsg = (receiver: string,
wxid: string) => {
return post('/api/sendPatMsg', { wxid, receiver })
// /api/ocr
export const ocr = (
imagePath: string
) => {
return post('/api/ocr', { imagePath })