import ctypes import hashlib import hmac # pip install pycryptodome from Crypto.Cipher import AES def decrypt(password, input_file, out_file): password = bytes.fromhex(password.replace(' ', '')) with open(input_file, 'rb') as (f): blist = print(len(blist)) salt = blist[:16] key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha1', password, salt, DEFAULT_ITER, KEY_SIZE) first = blist[16:DEFAULT_PAGESIZE] mac_salt = bytes([x ^ 58 for x in salt]) mac_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha1', key, mac_salt, 2, KEY_SIZE) hash_mac =, digestmod='sha1') hash_mac.update(first[:-32]) hash_mac.update(bytes(ctypes.c_int(1))) if hash_mac.digest() == first[-32:-12]: print('decrypt success') else: print('password error') return blist = [blist[i:i + DEFAULT_PAGESIZE] for i in range(DEFAULT_PAGESIZE, len(blist), DEFAULT_PAGESIZE)] with open(out_file, 'wb') as (f): f.write(SQLITE_FILE_HEADER) t =, AES.MODE_CBC, first[-48:-32]) f.write(t.decrypt(first[:-48])) f.write(first[-48:]) for i in blist: t =, AES.MODE_CBC, i[-48:-32]) f.write(t.decrypt(i[:-48])) f.write(i[-48:]) def main(): password = '565735E30E474DA09250CB5AA047E3940FFA1C6F767C4263B13ABB512933DA49' input_file = 'C:/var/Applet.db' out_file = 'c:/var/out/Applet.db' decrypt(password, input_file, out_file) if __name__ == '__main__': SQLITE_FILE_HEADER = bytes('SQLite format 3', encoding='ASCII') + bytes(1) KEY_SIZE = 32 DEFAULT_PAGESIZE = 4096 DEFAULT_ITER = 64000 main()