2021-07-13 21:00:40 +02:00

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# WireGuard Easy
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You have found the easiest way to install & manage WireGuard on any Linux host!
<p align="center">
<img src="./assets/screenshot.png" width="702" />
## Features
* All-in-one: WireGuard + Web UI.
* Easy installation, simple to use.
* List, create, edit, delete, enable & disable clients.
* Show a client's QR code.
* Download a client's configuration file.
* Statistics for which clients are connected.
* Gravatar support.
## Requirements
* A host with a kernel that supports WireGuard (all modern kernels).
## Installation
### 1. Install Docker
If you haven't installed Docker yet, install it by running:
$ curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
$ sudo sh get-docker.sh
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
$ bash
### 2. Configure WireGuard
Run these commands to prepare and configure WireGuard.
$ mkdir ~/.wg-easy
$ cd ~/.wg-easy
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WeeJeWel/wg-easy/master/docker-compose.yml
$ vim docker-compose.yml
Change `WG_HOST=raspberrypi.local` to your server's public address, e.g. `WG_HOST=vpn.mydomain.com`.
Optionally, set a Web UI password by uncommenting `PASSWORD=foobar123` and change the password.
> By default, any WireGuard client will have access to the Web UI, unless you set a password.
### 3. Run WireGuard
Finally, run WireGuard. It will automatically start after a reboot.
$ docker-compose up --detach
The Web UI will be available on ``. You can create new clients there.
## Options
These options can be configured in `docker-compose.yml` under `environment`.
| Env | Default | Example | Description |
| - | - | - | - |
| `PASSWORD` | - | `foobar123` | When set, requires a password when logging in to the Web UI. |
| `WG_HOST` | - | `vpn.myserver.com` | The public hostname of your VPN server |
| `WG_PORT` | `51820` | `51820` | The public UDP port of your VPN server |
| `WG_DEFAULT_ADDRESS` | `10.8.0.x` | `10.6.0.x` | Clients IP address range |
| `WG_DEFAULT_DNS` | `` | `,` | DNS server clients will use |
| `WG_ALLOWED_IPS` | `, ::/0` | `,` | Allowed IPs clients will use |
> If you change `WG_PORT`, make sure to also change the exposed port.